Wednesday 9 March 2016

Pregnancy and Homoeopathy

       Pregnancy is a marvelous journey marking the beginning of a new life and the commencement of motherhood. It is a new experience both for you and your partner flavored with nervousness, curiosity, anxiety and a host of changes physically and emotionally during its course of 9 months or around 40 weeks. A woman’s body may react differently during every pregnancy. Come let us get acquainted with some of the alterations that occur along this incredible journey……..

What do women experience during pregnancy?

a. The first trimester

1. Cessation of menses

2. Body ache and cramps.
3. Easy fatigue.
4. Lower abdominal cramps
5. Occasional spotting.
6. Morning sickness
7. Increase in size with fullness, heaviness and tenderness. The breasts gradually increase in size,           so as to prepare breasts for breastfeeding.
8. Heartburn and constipation.
9. Frequent urination due to the pressure of growing uterus on the urinary bladder.
10. Mood swings due to increased hormonal levels in the body.

b. The second trimester

1. Abdominal cramps - due to growing uterus and the stretching of surrounding muscles and ligaments.

2. Change in the body shape - by week 16, one is likely to be in maternity clothes due to the expanding waistline and widening hips.
3. Stretch marks - these are caused by stretching of the skin and are commonly seen on abdomen and breast, and rarely on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.

c. The third trimester

1. Water retention / Edema - is one of the commonest complaints and is mostly noticeable in legs and hands. In some cases sudden swelling may occur accompanied by high blood pressure, vision changes, dizziness, headaches, or severe abdominal pain, it is important to contact a physician.

2. Back Pain - as a result of added weight, changing posture.
3. Frequent Urination - This increases as the baby moves further down into the pelvis. It can result in multiple trips to the bathroom during the night, or even urine leakage: especially when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
4. Breast Changes - during the third trimester, some pregnant women begin to leak colostrum (first milk which is thick and yellow) from their breasts. The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
5. Stretch marks - The chance of a woman getting stretch marks during the last trimester increases with high weight gain, large babies, or a multiple pregnancy.
6. Weight gain - maximum amount of weight gain occurs during the last trimester and a woman
7. Braxton Hicks contractions- These contractions are warm-ups for the real thing. They’re usually weak and come and go unpredictably. True labor contractions get longer, stronger and closer together. If you’re having contractions that are painful or regular, contact your doctor.
8. Regular contractions with intense pain - needs immediate attention.
9. Discharge - Close to your delivery date, you might see a thick, clear, or slightly blood tinged discharge. This is the mucus plug, and it is a sign that your cervix has begun dilating in preparation for labor. If you experience a sudden rush of fluid, it may mean that your water bag has broken (although only about 8% of pregnant women have their water bag break before contractions begin). Call your doctor as soon as possible.  

       The symptoms described above are all physiological. However, some symptoms may be exaggerated or may last beyond an extended period. E.g. If morning sickness may be severe extending through the day or may last much longer than the first trimester; it is termed as hyperemesis gravidarum. Similarly there may be other symptoms like dizziness, anemia, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, severe edema (swelling). Also, there may be certain tendencies like tendency to abortion in a particular month of pregnancy, bleeding through the vagina during pregnancy.

       What can Homoeopathy do for these complaints? Many people harbor a misconception that Homoeopathy cannot help in pregnancy. But let us tell you, that Homoeopathy is perfectly safe. It does not treat only symptoms, but also reduces the risk factors affecting the child during the pregnancy. Medicines when administered timely can also prevent abortions in a female having tendency to them. And above all, Homoeopathy has a point above most modes of treatment, which is absolutely safe for the mother as well as the child. Let us see how Homoeopathy can help in such cases, through a case consulted by Dr. Meghna Shah, the Dean, the other song. This is a case about a young lady, a doctor by profession who was into the third month of her pregnancy. The main complaint, for which she had consulted us, was nausea during her pregnancy with lot of burning in the upper abdomen accompanied with backache since past two months. On lying down, the food would regurgitate in the throat with a burning sensation and this was more in the evenings especially after eating. She always felt that she would vomit, but could not and sleep would alleviate her troubles. She was not relieved by antacids. Her sleep was disturbed and she complained of an intermittent dull pain in her lower abdomen. The patient had a past history of PCOD and missed abortion. When she had an abortion, she was under major stress as her relative was diagnosed with cancer that time and she was extremely depressed and morose. She felt guilty that though she could diagnose the condition, she could not do much to help her relative and was unable to see her suffer so. As a result she felt discouraged to continue her practice. During her current pregnancy, she felt that she was not taking care of herself, not following the required precautions and as a result was not doing justice to her baby. She did not feel like doing anything throughout the day and was lacking in enthusiasm. She had no interest in taking care of herself or dressing up well. Acne which she had earlier, were recurring. On asking about her dreams, she said that she got dreams of her workplace and about her patients, whom she was unable to diagnose. She had weird and frightful dreams which had no connection. She said that she was a very silent person and took time to mix with people. The patient was averse to watching English movies which depicted people being killed brutally. Brutal to her meant something worse than cruel, something where the person is killed very slowly at a stretch. Some situations caused a lot of nervousness in her, but later she would be very strong and go about the situation confidently. She liked keeping things systematically and was very particular about cleanliness. She did not like animals as they looked and smelled dirty. She had phobia of lizards and would panic at the sight of one. Taking into account all her symptoms as well as her features, she was given a medicine. Within a week of starting with the medicine, she improved drastically. Nausea and burning settled down completely never to recur again.

Dr. Sneha Vyas, M.D. (Hom) Resident Doctor, the other song

The News Letter, April - June 2014

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