Tuesday 7 March 2017

Life is tough my darling...but so are you

By. Dr. Meghna Shah, Dean, the other song - International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy

It has been a while since I started working, around 16 - 17 years, I would say. We all have our own reasons to adopt our own career. For some, it comes from a financial need, for some it comes as an option/choice, and for some it emerges out of pure passion to contribute and grow in their respective fields

While many working women are in a good position, where sufficient help is available to them, for many more it is a monumental struggle. Single handedly or with minimal help, they have to strike a balance between the house and work. However in both circumstances, i personally feel that it is a remarkable feat for all working professional to juggle between the two poles and keep it going.

As we are told that time is the best teacher, and with maneuvering through the odds, we develop our own ways for effective harmony between work and home.

Now a days, with the world at our finger tips(thanks to the smart phone era) so many self-help guidelines and tips are available. However, there is a twist to everything that sets in with experience, which is what I wanted to share with my dear readers.

  • Set your goals. For some individuals it may come easy, but some may need guidance. Do not shy away from it. Consult someone you trust. Have a long term career plan. It is quite possible that things may may not move the way you designed, but to have a road map always helps you stay on track and not get strayed into the wilderness.
  • Prioritize, and learn to say 'no' without feeling guilty about it. Just communicate it properly with the right reasons.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. I personally feel that it helps great deal to have a certain degree of adaptability and flexibility in order to feel less stressed, worries and anxious, and then the subsequent consequences.
  • Planning is vital to success. Plan your schedule well in advance, right from the menu for the week or if you need to run an errand; have a comprehensive shopping list to avoid missing out on anything. One of the challenges of the urban lifestyle is a race against time so make the best use of it. 
  • I strongly advocate and endorse healthy eating. This includes more of whole food plant based with plenty of fruit, minimal processed food, with loads of water, every day. Please include some form of exercise into your daily regime, which is a must. Go for a walk, or go to the gym or do yoga. Choose any physical activity that suits your taste and makes you happy. 
  • Start investing in the right places. Consult and agent and start early. Keep a periodic check on the progress. If you have doubts, consult a family member, close friend, trusted colleague.
  • Stay updated with the latest developments around you, in the city, in the country and also in the world. In the age of smart phones, it is very simple and quick.
  • Go for regular health check ups, especially if you are over 40. Diseases do not arrive knocking your door, and prevention is always better than cure. If you have to consult a physician for any health concerns, do it at the right time and follow up regularly. Never neglect your health. Keeping healthy and fit is your priority.
  • Indulge in or cultivate a hobby/activity that makes you happy and fulfilled. It is never too late for anything; so do not let your age be an excuse to deprive you from the happiness you deserve.
  • Both men and women are equally important with their individual strengths and weaknesses. Both genders deserve their due, their rights and position in society. While women are accepted for the forebearing, submissive and condoning attitude, we should mileage it as our strength and not weakness. 
  • Maintain your dignity and self respect. People will throw jibes or take digs at you, try to pull you down, but only if the person matters, one should attempt reconciliation. If the person is of no importance, simply forget it. That person's actions are irrelevant. Do not consume your good energy into anything futile. 

Lastly, a wise person once advised me that, "Your happiness is in your hands."
This simple phrase immediately got stuck in my mind and when I feel low, hopeless and consumed by the ever increasing demands of life, I simply rewind and play this message, which immediately peps me up. I hope it will help you too. 

Dr. Meghna Shah

A young, dynamic, dedicated, intelligent and sincere person, she is gifted with an extremely intuitive mind inclined towards research. She also possesses excellent managerial qualities with tremendous insight into human psychology. She is an ardent follower of Homoeopathy, and having trained under Dr. Rajan Sankaran for 10 years she is perhaps one of the best practitioners and teachers of Homoeopathy from among the newer generation. Dr. Meghna has worked in the Mumbai homoeopathic hospital after receiving her degree in 2000. Since 2001 she has been a physician in Dr. Sankaran’s clinic. She has organized video and live seminars of Dr. Rajan Sankaran and has been instrumental in starting the web-group ‘Insight-Alliance Homoeopathic’. She has been an active member in organizing ‘Wednesdays with Rajan’, one of the most successful programs in Homoeopathy. She has assisted Dr. Sankaran on the books:Sankaran’s Schema, Structure – Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom,The Other Song, and Survival – the Reptilia—which have all been highly appreciated and translated into many languages. She has spent two years researching the reptiles for this book, including a stay at the Reptile Park in Chennai, where she observed them firsthand and consulted the park’s herpetologists. She is currently working on Survival – the Arachnida, apart from being at the helm of affairs at The Other Song.

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