Monday 10 October 2016

Anxiety Disorders and Homoeopathy - An overview

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is generally a normal reaction to stress, it is a state characterized by a feeling of dread accompanied by physical (body) signs that generally indicates hyperactive functioning of the autonomic nervous system (part of the nervous system that deals with the regulation of unconscious body processes). Anxiety is an inevitable occurrence in everyone’s life, at one time or the other. For example before appearing for an examination, issues at work place, taking important decisions, relationship issues, etc. However, the condition ‘anxiety disorder’ is applicable only when it leads to distress causing interference with a person’s ability to lead a normal life. Anxiety disorders are the most common human emotional disorders that affect multitude of people across the globe.

Homoeopathy and Anxiety Disorders:

Anxiety disorders are often a source of distress to the people as they affect their daily living. They also are a cause of distress to the relatives of affected people. Modern medicine has solution only in terms of temporarily alleviating the anxiety; however there is no permanent solution for the same. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, has a solution without any side effects. A homoeopath looks into what is to be treated in a person who is suffering from anxiety, how is he dis-eased, what are the main features of his anxious state and what is his inner experience. A medicine which is tailor-made for the person is selected based on the individualistic features elicited from the person and his relatives.


1. The other song newsletter October-December 2013, Anxiety Disorders and Homoeopathy by Dr Mahesh Gandhi, Consultant and Faculty at the other song 

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  1. While some people can gain control of the disorder by making a few simple changes others may require different approaches for seeking relief from the condition.
    If your social anxiety is mild to moderate you may find this helpful in getting over your anxiety.
    We can see more: anxiety disorder


  2. Another of the major types of anxiety disorders is obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    People who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder often deal with distractions, such as forgetting to turn off an appliance or worried that they might hurt someone by accident, etc.
    Take a look: anxiety disorder

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