Thursday, 29 November 2018

Ankylosing Spondylitis in Men

It is one of the most common rheumatic diseases found in both men and women but what lies underneath this is the difference in its prevalence and clinical presentation with relation to gender.

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) comes from Greek word origin ankylos meaning stiffening, spondylos meaning vertebra, and -itis meaning inflammation, which together means stiffening of the spine. It primarily affects the spine, although other joints can also get affected. It is a chronic, progressive and painful inflammation of the spinal joints (vertebrae). In advanced cases this inflammation can lead to ankylosis i.e. formation of new bones in the spine which can cause sections of the spine to fuse in a fixed and immobile position. The hallmark feature of AS is the involvement of the sacroiliac (SI) joints i.e. the joint between the sacrum and ilium bones of the pelvis, during the progression of the disease.

picture credit-

This condition has been included in the issue due to its high prevalence seen in males over the years. More than 1 million cases per year in India have been registered and its prevalence is 3 times more common in men as compared to women, usually affecting young adults between the age group of 20-30 years.

Diagnostic differences-

The major difference in how ankylosing spondylitis affects men and women appears to be the rate at which they progress. The progression of symptoms in women is comparatively slower than that in males. The pain intensity is found to be more severe in males than females but this does not exclude pain to be exclusive only in males. Also men are more prone to experience in their spine and lower back region and women usually experience pain in other joints like the hips or knees prior to the back affection. These are subtle but important differences. Diagnosis of AS is easier in men than women.

Common symptoms include-

Initially one may experience long term backache with stiffness, gradually progressing to reduced flexibility and mobility of the spine.
The posture can get affected due to the affection of the spine bones
Extreme fatigue in both men and women
Pain in major joints of the body like the shoulder, hips and knees.
Inflammation in other parts of the body like the eyes
Genetic predisposition-

Many people with AS have been tested positive for HLA-B27 (this test is performed to identify a specific protein on the white blood cells (WBCs) which is a sign of autoimmune disease.). HLA-B27 causes immune system dysfunction, which means, its presence can cause the immune system to attack the otherwise healthy cells, which can give rise to an auto-immune disease or immune- mediated disease. Hence AS is to a great extent an autoimmune disease.

Apart from a detailed patient history and physical examination by a well-trained doctor or health care practitioner, which is the first step, medical imaging and blood tests investigations can help confirm the diagnosis of this condition.


Conventional treatment- there is no cure for Ankylosing spondylitis in the modern system of medicine hence the mainstay treatment includes controlling the disease symptoms and pain intensity by means of medications like NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), steroids, DMARDs (disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs along with physiotherapy and surgery in some advanced cases.

Homeopathic treatment- Homeopathic remedies act on the immune system and are proven to be very effective in halting the progression of the disease and alleviating the symptoms.

Cases of Ankylosing sonondylitis

 A 40-year male, who was a grocery store owner by profession, was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis with HLA-B27 positive since 20 years. He consulted us at the other song for treatment. He was seen at the clinic by our consultant Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar and me.

He complained of severe pain in the back and cervical spine since more than 10 years. The pain in the lower back would ascend up the entire spine. He also noticed a cracking sound in the neck. His spine was completely stiff and was not able to bend his neck as well as back. He was not able to sleep on account of the pain at night. The pain and stiffness would be worse on waking up in the morning. Painkillers provided him a temporary relief in the pain, which would return back after its effects, waned off. On account of the pain he was forced to sit still and would become irritable due to it. The effects of his complaints showed up on his work front. His optimum work capacity had gone down. He was on the medications Sazo (Sulfosalazine i.e. DMARDs) and Etoshine (etoricoxib i.e. NSAIDs) 120 mg.

After a detailed case taking session with Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar, he was started with homeopathic medications. Over the next few weeks of taking the homeopathic medications he was almost 80 % better in all his complaints. The pain in the lower back as well as the neck markedly reduced. The stiffness reduced as a result of which his range of movement at the neck improved. He did not have to compulsory sit still as before. His sleep improved and his moods got better. The painkillers gradually reduced within three months of treatment. The improvement was very characteristic for this condition.

In homeopathy we consider and treat the person as a whole. The treatment is based on the patient’s physical, emotional and pathological complaints together. After a complete analysis and physical examination a most suitable homeopathic medication is selected which matches with the patients symptoms and complaints. Medications are selected on the basis of symptom similarity. In both the above cases after a thorough study of the case and the patient as a person, the most suitable homeopathic medication was prescribed and both the patients did very well overall. Not only was there a relief in their physical complaints but a mental shift was also observed. Homeopathy can help improve the overall quality of life of the individual.

In conclusion, I would like say ‘knowledge is awareness and awareness is power’. The more we are aware of the conditions we are facing and what homeopathy can do to heal them, the more powerful we are.

Easy back exercises-

Stand with the heels and back against the wall. Make sure that the back and the heal touch the wall surface. Try to push the head back towards the wall, hold for 5-8 seconds and relax. Repeat again. Start with 5 initially and increase to 10 gradually over time.
Stand with feet apart, place the hands on the hips and turn from the waist to look behind. Keep the knees and feet facing the front. Hold on for 5 seconds and repeat on the other side. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Face Yoga

“Aging gracefully” can be a frightening figure of speech in our world filled with anti-wrinkle crèmes and serums loaded with toxins and chemicals. But what if there was an easier, more natural way of boosting youthful beauty without harmful ingredients? Or even a cream?

It certainly seems strange to think that our faces need exercise too. But doing facial exercises or Face Yoga, is a completely natural way to make your face look younger by toning the muscles. Even if you work-out regularly, you probably neglect these muscles. clenching your face muscles improves blood circulation which results in a clear, healthy complexion with a beautiful glow. Facial Yoga helps make your jawbone more prominent, enhances the cheekbones and shreds the excess fat in your face.

Face Yoga can relax your face, which ultimately smoothes those tension-filled expressions we make every day without even realizing it. And just relaxing those usually contorted facial muscles can give you a natural face lift. Who needs Botox to freeze muscles into a smooth, relaxed state when face yoga can do something similar?

Feel the magic of Face Yoga with the following benefits:

  • It’s less expensive than cosmetic surgery and over the counter crèmes
  • May slow down the aging process
  • It releases tension
  • Tones facial and neck muscles while maintaining a relaxed look
  • Can help eliminate double chins
  • Can boost self-esteem and confidence
  • Ready to practice?

Contact The Other Song for more details on the Face Yoga workshops.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

World vegan day


       Do it not because someone is asking you to do it or someone else is doing it. Do it because you have tried it first hand and found it worth continuing. – Anonymous

Who are vegans? Vegans are those who eat no meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products.

       Veganism is becoming popular by the day not just because of its cult status but because of the amplitude of health benefits it brings along for those who follow it.

       Anyone with a rational line of thinking will ask questions such as why should one opt for vegan diet? Is it complete? Does it have all the nutrients in the required quantity that humans need to grow and to sustain good health? Is it visually appealing and tasty?

       To begin with, what remains after all the meat, fish, eggs, poultry and dairy products are removed from the platter?

       The answer is that, there is ample available in the vegetable kingdom that can satisfy our need for nutrition, desire for a good taste and visual appeal.

What does a vegan platter contain?

the other song health magazine - October 2018

Monday, 8 October 2018

Yoga if you have no time

No matter where you find yourself on your fitness journey (including not being on that journey whatsoever) there is one thing we all have one thing in common: the need to stretch. But some days, it’s just not possible to put in a full hour of yoga. But most days will allow for this 10-to-15-minute sequence that stretches the back, hamstrings, and hips—the key problem areas for many people.

Home practise is hard but there are many reasons why you should make an attempt:

1.Helps Stiffness and Sore Muscles

2. Increases Range of Motion

3. Relieves Stress

The bottom line is this: maintaining flexibility is the key to feeling good, preventing injury, moving well and continuing to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle well into your second half of life. And while you probably know that yoga provides the flexibility benefits that everyone desires, you may not have the time or the desire to get into a regular yoga practise. But truthfully, if you only do a handful of poses each day, you’ll start to see the difference in how your body looks and feels.

Reach out to us on 022 42616666 to book and appointment with our Yoga Consultant Ms Anushka Malao

Visit to know more about us

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Homeopathic treatment of anxiety

Let me share with you a case of a 45-year-old man, who approached me with the complaint of longstanding panic disorder that he had been suffering for 20 years and was on medication for the same. He said that he first experienced panic while he was preparing for his MBBS final exams, for which he studied 14-16 hours a day at a stretch and started experiencing lot of palpitations and chest pain, due to which he started dreading that there was something wrong with his heart. The patient recollected situations when he was extremely distressed and anxious of being infected when he was posted in leprosy ward during his internship. He was afraid to give even a vitamin injection fearing that the patient may land up with an anaphylactic shock (widespread and a serious allergic reaction). 
His fears of the supposed dangers associated with the field, made him take up pathology as his stream for post-graduation later because in his perception, it meant less stress and anxiety. However, after selecting pathology as his mainstream too, he could not overcome his panic. He regularly sent reports to other laboratories for a second opinion so as to allay his anxiety despite having to spend money from his own pocket. He was under the impression that he would slowly muster enough courage to start his own practice after a year’s time, which never happened.
He soon joined his father’s practice which involved treating obese patient using Ayurvedic medicines, which he thought was extremely safe. Once, while treating an obese person, with blood pressure of 140/100 mm Hg, he panicked, thinking that the patient would get a heart attack and he imagined all possible worst scenarios and was very restless, calling up the patient every few minutes, to check out on his health. His worst fear was of being jailed by the police and being involved in legal proceedings. He always thought that he would be harassed when in jail and he would fall a prey to several contagious diseases.
All these thoughts would produce palpitations, dryness of mouth, chest pain and light-headedness. The patient said that he is very mild, friendly, peace loving, and does not like to work hard and likes all comforts of life. He is cowardly by nature but he dreams of beating up all the bad guys and all his friends are happy with him. His wife tells that he makes an issue out of a small thing and he panics over petty things. E.g. once he misplaced his cell phone and he assumed that criminals would use his phone for killing someone and then he would be implicated for murder and would be put in jail.

The main problem for the patient, the essence of his individuality is the uncertainty that is a source of extreme stress for him. The uncertainty whether it is an anaphylactic shock, pathology or herbal medicines is a strain for him. Uncertainty is such that it is beyond his control, and where things just keep dragging indefinitely. Restriction of movements, taking deep breaths, jumping from the chair and jerking of the hands when experiencing or even thinking about these situations, are all features peculiar to him. This is something that runs through and through his case. It is seen at the level of mind, and even at the level of body. This innermost experience that runs through a patient and which is seen in different areas of life is called as the Sensation or the Vital Sensation according to the Sensation Approach.

On the basis of this understanding, I prescribed him an appropriate remedy which covered up all his complaints and matched with his sensitivity. In his follow up after 6 months, he reported that he was much better and peaceful. His anxiety levels significantly diminished. Earlier the smallest of situations would trigger off absolute panic, now he is markedly relaxed. His family and friends noted a positive shift in him. In homoeopathic treatment, we just merely do not prescribe on the basis of signs and symptoms, but at the level of sensitivity where we go to the very cause of the complaint which gave rise to it. The individual is treated as a whole, with a remedy that matches his sensitivity and state.

A case by Dr Mahesh Gandhi - Homeopath and Psychiatrist
Senior homeopathic doctor and teaching faculty at the other song homeopathy clinic and academy

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E-mail us on to book an appointment with our doctors

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Homeopathic treatment of scleritis

What is scleritis?

Scleritis is the inflammation of the white part(called sclera) of the eye. This white part forms the majority of the eye. Inflammation of sclera is one of the major causes of red eye.

Causes of scleritis

1. It could be due to infection 
2. It could be due to an allergic reaction
3. As a complication of rheumatoid arthritis
4. Adverse effects of medications such as immunity suppressants 

Signs and symptoms of scleritis

1. Redness of eye
2. Severe pain in the affected eye
3. Watering of the eye
4. Reduced and /or blurry vision
5. Photo phobia or over sensitivity to light
6. Painful movement of the eye
7. Headaches

Complications of scleritis

1. Impairment of eye movement 
2. Perforation of the sclera
3. Pain can be severely debilitating
4. Secondary infection

Homeopathic treatment of scleritis

Homeopathy has shown some very good results in cases of scelritis.
Homeopathy has shown some very good results in cases of scelritis.
We hereby share a case treated by Dr Devang Shah, In house consultant at the other song clinic and teaching faculty at the other song academy. He received a case of scleritis on 1st of September 2018. After careful examination of the case, he prescribed a suitable homeopathic medicine. The case showed significant improvement in a span of 7 days.

Visit to know more about us
E-mail us on to book an appointment with our doctors

Monday, 20 August 2018

Patient awareness seminar at the other song homeopathy clinic, Andheri

Do you ever wonder why homoeopaths ask so many questions?

Does it puzzle you why homoeopaths ask about dreams and fears in
addition to your physical ailments?

Do you wonder what you can do to help with your treatment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should attend the 'PATIENT AWARENESS SEMINAR.'

This seminar can significantly help you to understand the overall process in homoeopathy and give you a new perspective on health and disease! This is meant specially for those taking treatment, but others are welcome to join too.

Homoeopathic treatment is a cooperative effort between
the doctor and patient. Patients who have attended our awareness
seminars in the past have benefitted much more from their treatment!

Learn how to efficiently work with your homoeopath to facilitate the best results!

Speakers: Dr. Rajan Sankaran & Doctors from Dr. Sankaran’s Clinic

Date: Sunday, 15th July 2018

Time: 9.00 am to 12:30 pm

Venue: the other song – International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy,
7th floor, Peninsula Heights, Near BMW Showroom,
C.D. Barfiwala Road, Andheri West, Mumbai- 400058

Fees : Rs. 300 per person

Register before 30th June: 022-26103466 / 67

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Plan Be by Dr Rajan Sankaran

The wellness garden - 1st July 2018 
Celebration of health

Plan Be - Dr. Rajan Sankaran

Dr. Rajan Sankaran ascertained many pearls from his beautiful journey.He shares this in Plan B In Wellness Garden - the other song.

Plan B in his own Words-

In this plan of action , achievement , attraction, aversion, advancement and adventure ,

We forget to live in the moment ,

Just to be in this very moment,

Whole realm of peace is within us ,
to enter this space ,

Let us listen to the words of saints,

And discover the new way of living life,

Let the music come to you,

Focus on breathing ,

As thoughts and emotions come to you become witness of it.

Dr. Rajan Sankaran himself has sung this songs. That brings peace to our soul and body.

Tribute to - Late Laxman Jain ( Dr.Rajan Sankaran's Guruji)

Female singer- Dr. Rupal shah

Tabla - Nawaz hussai


Man lago mero 

Vaishnav jan to

Om nam ke

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Lac Seminar – Homeopathy seminar in Mumbai

Homeopathy seminar in Mumbai

‘the other song’ is very pleased to announce this unique seminar on Mammal remedies. Originally we had used just Lac caninum and occasionally Lac defloratum. However in the last two decades, thanks to extensive provings and clinical material we have understood and successfully used more Lac remedies.

A broader understanding Of the group features Of Mammal remedies has emerged with fine differentiation between the various remedies. The Lac remedies are very interesting and very close to human nature, since man is also a mammal.

We have brought some of the leaders of homeopathy to speak about the Lac remedies with illustrative cases. We are very happy that world renowned teacher Dr. Massimo Mangialavori from Italy will be with us. His speciality is to understand remedies as groups and he has written a book on Lac remedies called ‘Milk Remedies’. He will be joined by well known homeopaths from ‘the other song’. Together they will explore the Lac remedies and point out the features of individual remedies.

This will be a unique learning experience and will throw light on many of your cases that need these remedies.

Special feature of the seminar

1. Dr Massimo Mangialavori – an internationally renowned speaker will be speaking in this seminar. He will be sharing his expereince and expertise of Lac remedies with the delegates

3. This will be a unique learning experience and will throw light on many of your cases that need these remedies.

4. Lac remedies kit will be available for sale at special prices for delegates only.

5. Certificate of participation will be provided to all delegates

The remedies covered will be

  • Lac asinum (donkey)
  • Lac caninum (dog)
  • Lac caprinum (goat)
  • Lac defloratum (cow)
  • Lac delphinium (dolphin)
  • Lac equinum (horse)
  • Lac felinum (cat)
  • Lacglama (camel)
  • Lac humanum
  • Lac leoninum (lion)
  • Lac loxodonta Africana (lion)
  • Lac lupinum (wolf)
  • Lac ovinum
  • Lac suis (pig)
  • Lac ursinum (bear)
  • Rattus rattus (rat)
  • Hyena
  • Melis melis (badger)
  • Lac macropi gigantei (kangaroo)
  • Mephitis
  • Sanguis soricis (blood of rat)

Date: 7, 8 & 9 September 2018

Time: 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Venue: Birla Matoshree Sabhagriha, Vithaldas Thackersy Marg, New Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400020.

Seminar Schedule

7th September, Friday

Session 1:
9:00 am to 9:30 am: Introduction by Dr Rajan Sankaran
9:30 am to 11 am: Dr Massimo Mangialavori
11:00 am to 11: 30 am: Break
11: 30 am to 1:00 pm: Dr Massimo Mangialavori
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Lunch break

Session 2:
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm: Dr Paresh Vasani
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Dr Rajan Sankaran talks about main points from the provings of Lac remedies (Lac humanum, Lac defloratum, Lac caprinum, Lac leoninum)
End with tea

8th September, Saturday
Session 1:
9:00 am to 11:00 am: Dr Jayesh Shah
11:00 am to 11: 30 am: Break
11:30 am to 12:30 pm: Dr Jayesh Shah
12:30 pm to 1:00 pm: Dr Sujit Chatterjee
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Lunch break

Session 2:
2:00 pm to 4:30 pm: Dr Mahesh Gandhi
End with tea

9th September, Sunday:
Session 1:
9:00 am to 11:00 am: Dr Dinesh Chauhan
11:00 am to 11:30 am: Tea break
11:30 am to 1:00 pm: Dr Shekhar Algundgi
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Lunch break

Session 2:
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Dr Massimo Mangialavori
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm: Conclusion and summary by Dr Rajan Sankaran

End with tea

Fees and payment details

Fees(including GST and tea/coffee)

For Students: Rs 1770/-
For Practitioners: Rs 2242/-
Spot registration: Rs 2360/-


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001105025259
MICR NUMBER: 400229003

Tel: +91 (0) 22 42616605/631

“The Belly” – An Epidemic Lifestyle Problem

Corporate or non-corporate, our hectic lifestyle and busy schedules often leave us burned out and tired. Additionally, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and high-stress levels – all of these give rise to a vanity devoid concerning problem – A Flabby Tummy.

Yoga, a centuries-old way of relieving stress and improving strength and flexibility helps you to have a healthy body and mind surpassing the inevitable stress levels of our lives.

“The Belly” – An epidemic lifestyle problem; is forcing people to be cautious of their expanding waistlines that result in instances of metabolic disorders like, cancer, diabetes and other.

The wider your abdomen and hips are, the higher is the level of risk of falls, joint pain, and digestive problems. However, there are no shortcuts to get rid of abdominal fat. Proper diet, combined with a good and guided fitness routine, is the only way to solve this lifestyle epidemic problem.

The word ‘Yoga’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yug’ which refers to the union of our individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.

A misconception that Yoga involves only a set of exercises to hold certain postures for a few seconds and is meant for those who were already fit, is fundamentally flawed. Eliminating the pseudo-truth, the skill lies in understanding the mechanism of different asanas and their effectiveness.

Yoga aims at making you fit by increasing flexibility, by twisting the body in all directions; sideward, forward, backward, upside down and other poses that help in opening up the otherwise rusted muscles and thereby facilitate weight loss.

Before you decide to start the journey towards a healthier body, it is important to understand the various factors that contribute to weight gain. Apart from faulty dietary habits, one should identify that weight gain also stems from the inefficient functioning of various bodily functions.

Breathing practices in Yoga aim at cleansing, balancing and rejuvenating our inner organs and their functions. Various breathing exercises and basic asanas help in increasing metabolic and heart rates.

All Yoga asanas aim at cleansing your inner mechanism, strengthening your core and stamina, increasing flexibility, and upping your metabolic rate.

From all walks of life, “Motherhood” is the beginning of a new life for every woman; however, pregnancy can have serious effects on the mother’s posture and abdominal weight. The pressure of carrying the baby for nine months, lifting, carrying and nursing the baby and pushing the stroller often takes a toll on the spine and back muscles and deforms the posture. Regular practice of yoga before and after pregnancy helps in improving posture by opening up the shoulder and chest and relieving stiffness of all joints, most importantly of the hips.

Yoga helps in bringing about a balance in between that previous and the present life and helps the body to get back to its normal rhythm gradually. But it is best to start doing yoga only after 6 months of delivery to avoid injuries and complications.

Physical exercise has always been held important for the overall well-being as well as to keep health-related troubles at bay but it should always be kept in mind that “any form of physical activity will remain futile and unproductive if not teamed with proper diet.”

  • A controlled check on spices and processed food consumption.
  • Home-cooked food, fresh fruits, and vegetables should be prime in one’s diet.
  • Portion controlled eating – quantifying the amount of food consumed in one sitting to avoid binge eating.
  • Understand your body’s requirements based on age, gender, lifestyle, and work pressure.

A few Yoga asanas to help you get rid of the Belly fat

1. Triangular pose or Parivrtta Trikonasana

This asana works on the sides of your body, arms, and thighs.

2. The boat pose:

You will feel your stomach muscles burn but this will kill that stubborn belly fat.

3. Plank:

Builds strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and improves balance.

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Thursday, 28 June 2018

Just kidding - Kids workshops at The Wellness Garden

Homeopathy talks at The Wellness Garden - 2

Homeopathic medicines for acidity

Acid is normally secreted in the stomach. The acidic environment caused by this acid is useful for digestion of the food that we consume. Whenever there is excess of acid secretion in the stomach, there are symptoms like burning along the food pipe, pain the stomach region and indigestion. In medical terms, it is called as hyperchlorhydria or in simple terms it is called as acidity or hyperacidity. This couple with a weak valve that lies between the stomach and food pipe causes regurgitation of food. This is called as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease. Heart burn or burning along the food pipe is one the symptoms of this illness.

It is known that stress at work and home, irregular sleeping habits, irregular food habits, under eating, overeating, eating the foods that do not suite your constitution may be the cause of Acidity. It has become rampant the new ‘Stressful Era’ or the modern era. The right kind of lifestyle and food can definitely help deal with acidity but there are also homeopathic medicine for acidity that can help you get well.

Every effect has a cause and acidity is no exception. How often have we heard, “My stomach hasn’t been well ever since I had a quarrel with my son” or “I have been suffering from acidity ever since I have been skipping my regular meals.” These and many more often act as a trigger or cause of acidity. We must understand that any form of illness can trouble only when you become prone to it. Homeopathy understands and acknowledges this fact very well. Thus, when you are being given homeopathic medicine for acidity, the homeopath will ask you many questions which are apparently not directly related to your illness but carry a deeper meaning when translated in the language of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine for acidity is not just useful in treating acidity but it has the potential to help you change your outlook towards life.

Homeopathic medicine for acidity helps you deal with stress in an efficient manner. You will be surprised to see some other minor health problems disappear when you start taking homeopathic medicine for acidity.

Click here to book your appointment with our homeopathic doctors
or E-Mail us on

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

5 reasons to attend The Wellness Garden - India's First Multidisciplinary Homoeopathy Festival

The Wellness Garden - India's First Multidisciplinary Homeopathy Festival

As we look back at our tremendous journey over the last 7 years, we cannot help but feel both proud & grateful, at the same time.

Proud, of all that we have accomplished in the field of Homeopathy as a team- to teach, treat and transform. We have touched lives of patients, students and employees. And, there are many successes and learnings that we carry forward with us.

Grateful, for all the friends, well wishers and supporters who have joined us in our journey. Today Homeopathy at the Academy shares a platform with allied therapies such as yoga, diet, meditation, which have acted as a force multiplier to our remedies and have broadened our view to encompass ‘wellness’.

‘The Wellness Garden’ is quite simply a celebration of our pride & gratitude! We invite you to join us in this celebration:)

Visit to know more about the festival

Homeopathy - Myths and Facts

Could homeopathic medicines be taken with allopathic medication?

Yes, it can be taken. In today’s world, so many people are suffering from disease conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hormonal and autoimmune diseases and mainly rely on allopathic medication as their first line of treatment. Therefore, discontinuing allopathic medicines altogether may have an adverse effect. 
So the best way would be to continue them along with Homeopathic medicines and then gradually reduce the allopathic dosage under the guidance of an expert.

Is homeopathy slow acting?

No! Definitely not. Homeopathy works as fast as any other mode of treatment.
Homeopathy works wonders in acute cases (For e.g. Fever, diarrhea, etc) and that too very quickly. Therefore, it acts slowly is a myth and misconception. 
In some chronic cases, the time taken for thecure is proportionate to the chronicity of the disease.

What conditions can homeopathy treat?
Homeopathy is in itself a complete science and could be used to treat any age group, disease and at times as a preventive in healthy individuals to boost their immunity.
Homeopathy can help most of the conditions. It not only cures the diseases but also successful in treating the drug-induced diseases as well.

Can pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and newborn babies use homeopathy?

Homeopathy has no side effects. Hence, it can safely be given to the newborn and pregnant women. It will eventually help them strengthen their immunity enabling them to cope with conditions better. 

Do homeopathic medicines contain steroid?

It does not! This is again a misconception. 
Steroids have a different mode of action, unlike homeopathy. Homeopathy acts via the PNEI (psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological axis), thereby increasing one’s immunity and helping the body fight back the diseases. Whereas the role and action of steroids are very different.

If a patient is being given steroids (cortisone) for a long time (more than 30 days), then there would be side effects like swelling of the face or puffiness of the face, osteoporosis, development of diabetes, but none of such symptoms are seen in any patient as such indicating homoeopathy is free of steroids. 

After a long-term homeopathic treatment, one can expect progressive improvement in their disease condition, decrease in the frequency of their acute ailments, better energy levels, improvement in their sleep, appetite and overall general well being and health. 

Monday, 30 April 2018

Homoeopathic medicines for Skin Diseases

In today’s world where everything is glitter and glow glowing and healthy skin is what all of us want. Skin plays various roles  not only protects our body but also has become a great cosmetic values. Any kind of skin ailment causes social pressure, creates a taboo and dents your confidence.

At one side  where skin is so important at the other side the increase pollution , chemicals, exposure to various raditation and harmful substances are harming the skin everyday that has raised the concern relating to skin disorders

There is a wide range of disorders seen from mild infections to autoimmune disease to name a few like acne,warts,corns,abscess,carbuncles, dermatitis, eczema, impetigo, vitiligo, psoriasis,etc.
Approach to the Skin problem with Homoeopathy:

Skin eruption,  as we all are well aware are the biggest concern of every individual in different perspective for some it’s an issue of their self image for some it’s unhealthy dirty whatever it may be every person’s life is stressed if he / she suffers from the skin eruption. Homoeopathy comes a blessing in disguise to help you get rid of these eruptions.

Homoeopathic treatment doesn’t involves any cream or any antibiotics but rather as a homoeopathic physician we try to understand how is your eruption varying from the other, what difference it makes to you as a person. To explain this point we would like to narrate some examples from the practice , There were three  different patient suffering from eczema the three although had similar disease specific symptoms they described it in a different way for one her life was finished as its matter of her image that affected her performance and had an impact on her confidence, One patient described it as this eczema is killing me daily because it looks dirty and people do not include me I am every day being harassed by the itching this eczema gives, for yet another patient the eczema would itch so much that she would cry she would be sensitive to what others part remarked on her.

Now from this examples we see that eczema is just something very superficial that has come up from the deep intense state within and how every individual was different from another all three patient received different remedy that not only helped their eczema to improve but also improve their way to look at the situation.

How are small pills going to help my eruptions without any local applications????
In the other school of medicine it has been noticed a wide range of creams and oil are given that are successful in suppressing a symptom.

In homeopathy, however, we consider suppression to be a bad thing and possibly responsible for many of mankind's ills. As doctors have become more successful at suppressing acute inflammatory diseases, incidence of chronic degenerative diseases has increased.

We believe there is a link between the two and are therefore very much against aggressive suppression of symptoms.

Nowhere is it more evident than in skin diseases. The skin is the most superficial outlet for the body to express its imbalances. If the outlet is blocked, the body needs to find an alternative.

As we continue to thwart the body's attempt to express itself via the skin, it eventually gives up and symptoms begin to manifest on a deeper level. That is when more important parts of the body like lungs, nervous system, joints, etc, begin to malfunction.

One should be aware of this vital aspect of healthcare. Homeopathy is of the view that all symptoms, however superficial, are a reflection of a deeper inner disorder.

When treating the skin, we are always concerned with treating the whole person at the same time.
In fact, we believe that suppressing eruptions can lead to development of more serious internal complaints. Effects are typically seen in the eczema/asthma syndrome.

Skin ailments are longstanding, especially in patients having undergone a lot of suppressive treatment. Hence, in homoeopathy, local application is strictly not allowed.

*For any assistance or queries you can ask the doctors at the other song we would surely help you

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5 best tips for a Healthy Skin

1. Consume food that can balance 3 omega or 6 omega essential fatty acid. An imbalance can result in dry skin, dandruff, cracking, and early skin aging. Every eczema and Psoriasis sufferer must address this aspect of nutrition, especially as both these conditions are inflammatory in nature.

2. A diet rich in Vitamin A, C, and E is the best antioxidant and is most helpful in maintaining healthy skin. It may include different types of fruits and vegetables like black grapes, oranges, and blueberry.

3. The most important B vitamin for the skin is biotin. It forms the basis of skin, nail, and hair cells. A deficiency can cause itchy, scaly skin and hair loss. Bananas, eggs, oatmeal, and rice are rich in biotin.

4. Copper, selenium and zinc are the most important minerals for skin nutrition. Zinc and copper help in producing elastin fibers that support the skin structure. Zinc deficiency can be a factor in psoriasis and acne. Selenium has been linked to prevention of skin cancer.

5. Regular and daily meditation and exercise.

Maintaining proper hygiene

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Thursday, 26 April 2018

Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety means a kind of worry or concern. It is also a form of emotion. An excess of anxiety lasting for a long time and causing problems to one's self, one's activities of daily living and those around them is often termed as an anxiety disorder. It is found in children, adults, old people and both males and females. The detailed description of the signs and symptoms will be covered in the section below.

Although there are a variety of anxiety disorders like Panic attacks, Phobias, Acute Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Phobia, in this blog, we will be talking about Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children and Homeopathic treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children.

Let us understand what are the signs and symptoms of Anxiety Disorders in Children

We commonly see the following symptoms in Generalized Anxiety Disorders

1. The child experiences excessive worry, apprehension about a number of school events (such as sports, stage performance, exams, singing, acting, dancing etc) or worry related to school performance (reaching late for school, not completing homework etc).

2. The child often finds it very difficult to control the worry. The worry is present even when their performance is not evaluated

3. The worry extends beyond schooling into worry about natural calamities and catastrophic events.

4. Children who experience excessive anxiety tend to be more punctual, often re do their work until they find it to be perfect etc.

5. They keep searching for someone to approve their work.

6. The sleep is often light and they wake up with a start. They even find it difficult to go off to sleep or to stay asleep.

7. Bodily symptoms develop such as being easily fatigued, muscle tension, body ache and pain.

Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children

Homeopathic medicines for anxiety disorders in children aims at understanding the anxiety symptoms individually and in a holistic manner. The homeopathic doctor assesses the level and quality of anxiety symptoms, analyses them and prescribes the medicine accordingly. The aim of treatment is reducing the anxiety symptoms in a natural way and improving coping skills in stressful situations.

Counselling and cognitive behavioral therapy may also be required (depending from case to case) and is often helpful when taken along with homeopathic medicines.

Social support is extremely important in dealing with psychological issues such and anxiety and depression. The family member must also be oriented about the difficulties the child may be facing and the taught the best ways to deal with them.

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Friday, 30 March 2018

Preventing and treating depression with homeopathic medicines

It is common to experience low mood and have a sense of feeling ‘down’ many a times. What is abnormal is when low mood persists for a long duration. In psychological terms, it is called as ‘Depression’. Depression is one of the mood disorders which causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness.

Why do we experience depression?

The causes can be as follows

1. Reduced vitamin D levels in blood

2. Changes in hormonal levels in the body(especially during menarche, menopause, pregnancy, andropause, thyroid illness)

3. Adverse events in your life, especially during childhood

4. Unfulfilled expectations, ambitions and desires

5. Loss of loved ones

6. Physical or psychological trauma

7. Medications like those for high blood pressure and Hepatitis C

8. Irregular lifestyle

What happens to us when we are depressed?

1. Persistent sad, anxious or ‘empty’ mood

2. Loss of interest or pleasure in various activities

3. Decreased energy or fatigue

4. Sleeping disturbances, which include insomnia or excessive sleeping

5. Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even on small matters

6. Thoughts of death or suicide or frequent suicide attempts

7. Difficulty in concentration, taking decisions or remembering things

8. Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain

9. Changes in appetite (increased or loss of) and weight (loss/gain)

How will homeopathy prevent and treat depression?

Homoeopathy is a ray of hope to prevent and treat depression. As illustrated above, there are various causes which are responsible for a person to go in to depression. Homoeopathy offers help in the form of treating individuals specifically by going deeper in to the cause and finding out how was it experienced by that individual person who is feeling depressed. On this basis the further line of treatment is decided, which not only helps the person to come out of her/his depressed state but also helps change his/her entire perspective towards life; it helps in the transformation of that individual.

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