Monday, 30 April 2018

Homoeopathic medicines for Skin Diseases

In today’s world where everything is glitter and glow glowing and healthy skin is what all of us want. Skin plays various roles  not only protects our body but also has become a great cosmetic values. Any kind of skin ailment causes social pressure, creates a taboo and dents your confidence.

At one side  where skin is so important at the other side the increase pollution , chemicals, exposure to various raditation and harmful substances are harming the skin everyday that has raised the concern relating to skin disorders

There is a wide range of disorders seen from mild infections to autoimmune disease to name a few like acne,warts,corns,abscess,carbuncles, dermatitis, eczema, impetigo, vitiligo, psoriasis,etc.
Approach to the Skin problem with Homoeopathy:

Skin eruption,  as we all are well aware are the biggest concern of every individual in different perspective for some it’s an issue of their self image for some it’s unhealthy dirty whatever it may be every person’s life is stressed if he / she suffers from the skin eruption. Homoeopathy comes a blessing in disguise to help you get rid of these eruptions.

Homoeopathic treatment doesn’t involves any cream or any antibiotics but rather as a homoeopathic physician we try to understand how is your eruption varying from the other, what difference it makes to you as a person. To explain this point we would like to narrate some examples from the practice , There were three  different patient suffering from eczema the three although had similar disease specific symptoms they described it in a different way for one her life was finished as its matter of her image that affected her performance and had an impact on her confidence, One patient described it as this eczema is killing me daily because it looks dirty and people do not include me I am every day being harassed by the itching this eczema gives, for yet another patient the eczema would itch so much that she would cry she would be sensitive to what others part remarked on her.

Now from this examples we see that eczema is just something very superficial that has come up from the deep intense state within and how every individual was different from another all three patient received different remedy that not only helped their eczema to improve but also improve their way to look at the situation.

How are small pills going to help my eruptions without any local applications????
In the other school of medicine it has been noticed a wide range of creams and oil are given that are successful in suppressing a symptom.

In homeopathy, however, we consider suppression to be a bad thing and possibly responsible for many of mankind's ills. As doctors have become more successful at suppressing acute inflammatory diseases, incidence of chronic degenerative diseases has increased.

We believe there is a link between the two and are therefore very much against aggressive suppression of symptoms.

Nowhere is it more evident than in skin diseases. The skin is the most superficial outlet for the body to express its imbalances. If the outlet is blocked, the body needs to find an alternative.

As we continue to thwart the body's attempt to express itself via the skin, it eventually gives up and symptoms begin to manifest on a deeper level. That is when more important parts of the body like lungs, nervous system, joints, etc, begin to malfunction.

One should be aware of this vital aspect of healthcare. Homeopathy is of the view that all symptoms, however superficial, are a reflection of a deeper inner disorder.

When treating the skin, we are always concerned with treating the whole person at the same time.
In fact, we believe that suppressing eruptions can lead to development of more serious internal complaints. Effects are typically seen in the eczema/asthma syndrome.

Skin ailments are longstanding, especially in patients having undergone a lot of suppressive treatment. Hence, in homoeopathy, local application is strictly not allowed.

*For any assistance or queries you can ask the doctors at the other song we would surely help you

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5 best tips for a Healthy Skin

1. Consume food that can balance 3 omega or 6 omega essential fatty acid. An imbalance can result in dry skin, dandruff, cracking, and early skin aging. Every eczema and Psoriasis sufferer must address this aspect of nutrition, especially as both these conditions are inflammatory in nature.

2. A diet rich in Vitamin A, C, and E is the best antioxidant and is most helpful in maintaining healthy skin. It may include different types of fruits and vegetables like black grapes, oranges, and blueberry.

3. The most important B vitamin for the skin is biotin. It forms the basis of skin, nail, and hair cells. A deficiency can cause itchy, scaly skin and hair loss. Bananas, eggs, oatmeal, and rice are rich in biotin.

4. Copper, selenium and zinc are the most important minerals for skin nutrition. Zinc and copper help in producing elastin fibers that support the skin structure. Zinc deficiency can be a factor in psoriasis and acne. Selenium has been linked to prevention of skin cancer.

5. Regular and daily meditation and exercise.

Maintaining proper hygiene

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Thursday, 26 April 2018

Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety means a kind of worry or concern. It is also a form of emotion. An excess of anxiety lasting for a long time and causing problems to one's self, one's activities of daily living and those around them is often termed as an anxiety disorder. It is found in children, adults, old people and both males and females. The detailed description of the signs and symptoms will be covered in the section below.

Although there are a variety of anxiety disorders like Panic attacks, Phobias, Acute Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Phobia, in this blog, we will be talking about Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children and Homeopathic treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children.

Let us understand what are the signs and symptoms of Anxiety Disorders in Children

We commonly see the following symptoms in Generalized Anxiety Disorders

1. The child experiences excessive worry, apprehension about a number of school events (such as sports, stage performance, exams, singing, acting, dancing etc) or worry related to school performance (reaching late for school, not completing homework etc).

2. The child often finds it very difficult to control the worry. The worry is present even when their performance is not evaluated

3. The worry extends beyond schooling into worry about natural calamities and catastrophic events.

4. Children who experience excessive anxiety tend to be more punctual, often re do their work until they find it to be perfect etc.

5. They keep searching for someone to approve their work.

6. The sleep is often light and they wake up with a start. They even find it difficult to go off to sleep or to stay asleep.

7. Bodily symptoms develop such as being easily fatigued, muscle tension, body ache and pain.

Homeopathic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children

Homeopathic medicines for anxiety disorders in children aims at understanding the anxiety symptoms individually and in a holistic manner. The homeopathic doctor assesses the level and quality of anxiety symptoms, analyses them and prescribes the medicine accordingly. The aim of treatment is reducing the anxiety symptoms in a natural way and improving coping skills in stressful situations.

Counselling and cognitive behavioral therapy may also be required (depending from case to case) and is often helpful when taken along with homeopathic medicines.

Social support is extremely important in dealing with psychological issues such and anxiety and depression. The family member must also be oriented about the difficulties the child may be facing and the taught the best ways to deal with them.

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