Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Migraine - Causes, Symptoms and Homeopathy

Migraine is a recurring or periodic type of headache. 

Causes of Migraine can be 

1. Cold food and drinks
2. Citrus food and drinks
3. Cheese
4. Cola
5. Chocolate
6. Dehydration
7. Stress


1. Sudden onset or gradually developing pain in the entire head or on one side of the head
2. Sensitivity to light and sound
3. Visual disturbances
4. Nausea and vomiting 

Homeopathy for Migraine

1. Migraine is understood and treated holistically
2. The recurrence of headaches reduces to a great extent
3. Unlike allopathic medicines, there are no side effects 
4. The medicines are not habit forming
5. Acute episodes of headache respond quickly to homeopathic medicines

the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare is conducting a Homeopathic Mega Camp on 11th of June 2017. Find details by clicking on the picture below 

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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Eating right while quitting tobacco

Getting rid of a habit gets easier if we chalk a plan to deal with the challenges that come along. Quitting Tobacco can be made easier when right food habits are kept in mind. There will be withdrawal symptoms when one quits tobacco and the following must be keep in mind:-

Keep your stomach pleasantly full to reduce craving for tobacco. It is thus good to stock up on healthy snacks. For instance whole wheat bread, whole grain cereals, jowar / bajra/ ragi crackers, roasted chivda, nuts, seeds and fruits.

Eat foods that are rich in fibre like oranges, sweet lime, carrots and cabbage. Fruits and vegetables when eaten with their skin intact make you feel fuller.  

Craving for sugar and sweets can be curbed by stocking on natural sweeteners such as dates, dried figs and raisins .

Last but not the least, eat regularly and do not skip any meal. As skipping meals can aggravate the desire to smoke and all the efforts will become a waste.

Please bear in mind to consult a nutritionist who can advise the right foods and right quantity which is tailor made and that suits your mental and physical body make up.

Collated by Dr. Komal Gandhi, Consultant Nutritionist at the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare

If you know someone who is having the above mentioned problems while trying to quit tobacco, you are welcome to contact the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare by clicking on the image below.

the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare is conducting a Homeopathic Mega Camp on 11th of June 2017. Find details by clicking on the picture below  

Friday, 19 May 2017

Inflamatory Bowel Disease and Homeopathy - All that you need to know

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a disease is a condition caused by a dysregulated immune response to a variety of intestinal micro organisms.

The two major types of inflammatory bowel disease are 

o Ulcerative colitis (UC), which is limited to the large intestine, and 

o Crohn disease (CD), which can affect any portion of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus

IBD facts

o The prevalence for IBD cases is 396 cases per 100,000 persons annually.
o IBD is seen more common in developed countries as compared to developing, and urban region.
o Most individuals develop IBD are diagnosed before the age of 30 years.
o The male-to-female ratio is approximately 1:1 for ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease, with females having a slightly greater incidence.
o There is a genetic predisposition for IBD
o Patients with this condition are more prone to the develop cancer.

Major symptoms of IBD are

o Diarrhea with mucus/blood in stool. It occurs at night. The person may also suffer incontinence.
o Constipation may be the first symptom in Ulcerative Collitis limited to the rectum.
o Bowel movement abnormalities
o Presence of pain or rectal bleeding, severe urgency and tenesmus
o Cramping abdominal pain
o Nausea and vomiting
o Mal nutrition is one the main effects of IBD as absorption doesn’t take place properly.

Why choose homeopathy for IBD?

o Homeopathic therapy is natural and has no side effects.

o Homeopathy is a holistic and individualistic mode of treatment. It can relieve the bleeding and diarrhea and can shorten the duration of flare-up`s in IBD. Homeopathy can also bring about a long-term remission and prevent new attacks.

o As stated above, IBD is caused due to a dysregulated immune response to host intestinal micro organism, homeopathic treatment reinforces the immune system and thus helps the body`s defense system to fight against the disease.

o Stress is one of the triggers that can trigger a flare-up. Homeopathy can effectively help reduce stress thus reducing the risks of flare up's

Collated by Dr. Rishi Vyas, In house consultant at the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diet- 5 simple Do's and Don'ts

When a person is suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, along with medications a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and nutrition can help one manage the disease well. There are common trigger foods that every patient must be careful of but at the same time one must notice what suits him or her the best. As each individual is different from the other, the trigger foods will also vary i.e. what may cause an aggravation in one patient may not cause so in another patient.

Here is an overview of the points to be kept in mind for patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease:


o Eat small quantity of food at regular intervals. This way you will not overload the intestines and it will be easy to digest food.

o Always peel fruits and vegetables before eating whence suffering from IBD .

o Well Cooked Vegetables and Fruits are preferred.  For instance stewed apple is preferred over raw apple.

o Pureed vegetables which are cooked and can be had in the form of soups which are easier to digest.

o Drink plenty of water especially when suffering from an acute attack, to prevent dehydration. Gluten free diets may help.


o Do not eat raw foods, as they can trigger bloating, gases, abdominal pain.  

o Avoid Nuts and Seeds and Oily Greasy Foods as they are very difficult to digest.

o Also avoid whole foods especially when the intestines are inflamed as the fibre can aggravate the  symptoms . For instance avoid Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Grapes, Plums , Fruits, Sprouts which can cause gases, bloating and will further deteriorate the  condition.

o Avoid dairy and dairy products such as ghee, butter, cream, cheese, curds as it can aggravate the  symptoms of IBD.

o Avoid  processed food, packet foods, carbonated drinks, caffeine, oily and spicy foods.

Last but not the least  do take help of a dietician who can chart a diet as per your individuality, keeping in mind the foods that may trigger or aggravate symptoms and accordingly provide you with a variety of food options which can meet your body’s nutritional requirement.

Collated by Dr. Komal Gandhi, Consultant Nutritionist at the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare

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Monday, 1 May 2017

Asthma - Foods to eat and avoid

10 best foods for asthma

1. Sunflower seeds: rich in selenium,  which help to reduce broncho constriction

2. Flax seeds: rich in omega 3 fatty acids, potassium & magnesium which reduce inflammation of airways, also rich in selenium

3. Buckwheat /KUTTU: It is considered a hypoallergenic food, which means that it is unlikely to cause allergic reactions.. In addition to being an unlikely allergen, buckwheat delivers an abundance of magnesium, a mineral that helps treat constricted airways by relaxing the muscles around the bronchial tubes

4. Garlic: rich in antioxidant which has anti-inflammatory property

5. Ginger: has strong anti-inflammatory property

6. Turmeric: rich in curcumin which has strong anti-inflammatory property, reduces congestion & wheezing

7. Amla: rich in Vitamin C which helps to reduce the inflammation and boost the immunity

8. Sweet potatoes:  one of the least allergic food, rich in Vitamin C & Magnesium

9. Tomatoes: Lycopene has a strong anti inflammatory property

10. Apples & berries: rich in quercetin  which is anti histamine, anti inflammatory

10 worst foods for asthma

1. Non veg food: a common trigger for asthma, allergic reactions.

2. Sulfites: Found as preservative in pickled food, canned food

3. Artificial food colours

4. Artificial flavours

5. Preservatives in packaged food

6. Milk and milk products: one of the most common allergens & also increase mucus secretions and causes airway inflammation

7. Salt: in excess can aggravate asthma by fluid retention

8. Pesticides & fertilizers used in food cultivation

9. Wheat: common allergen

10. Peanuts: if one is allergic to it

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Top 10 Asthma Facts

Top 10 Asthma Facts

1. WHO estimates show that 235 million people currently suffer from asthma.

2. Asthma occurs in all countries regardless of level of development. 

3. There are over 180,000 deaths annually due to asthma.

4. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children. 

5. Over 80% of asthma related deaths occur in low and lower-middle income countries.

6. It is estimated that 15-20 million people in India suffer from asthma.

7. The highest prevalence (almost 30%) is found in New Zealand.

8. The estimated cost of asthma treatment per year for the year 2015 has been calculated to be approximately Rs. 139.45 billion.

9. Globally, the economic costs associated with asthma are estimated to exceed those of TB and HIV/AIDS combined.

10. Asthma triggers can include cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.

Data Courtesy

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