By Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar
Tuberculosis as understood by modern medicine and homoeopathy
Though the disease has common symptoms, just as modern medicine sees, apart from this homoeopathy also sees how the individual reacts to the illness, his emotion state, physical state, aggravations, amelioration and the seat of the disease. When we see these together we conclude on the individuality, how this individual responded to the affection of tuberculosis apart from the infection per se. By doing this we get an edge and have a deeper understanding and have remedies which work much deeper to get the disease under control.
What should the patient expect from homoeopathic treatment?
When the treatment starts, all patients first want is relief, the symptoms that they are suffering from, their fever has to go down, their appetite that was reduced should come up. the weight loss that they are going through should stop. This is the first thing that should happen to the patient once homoeopathy is started. Apart from that a general well being starts, a feeling of being better, the mood, the emotions, those things also start returning to normal in a much healthier way. What is also seen is that the effect of the allopathic medicines that you are taking also withers off. So when you are treating cases of tuberculosis with homoeopathy, you see minimum suffering and maximum relief that comes to the patient.
Use of homoeopathy alongwith allopathy
This can never be ruled out as we are praticing with modern day medicine. The patients that come to us are already on allopathic treatment for tuberculosis. Now a days there is a new strain called MDR TB or the multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, what we see as a challenge to the medical fraternity as such. Here homoeopathy has much to offer for those patients who have not got relief with the standard line of treatment for MDR TB. When we see the patient differently and get the individuality, distinct compared to what we are treating the tuberculosis on protocol basis. When we are doing this, the remedies that we find, first helps in reducing the effects he is suffering of the allopathic medicines and if the patient is not responding and when you give homoeopathy alongwith allopathy, the improvement is much faster. This has been a regular experience in practise.
Experience of treating cases of tuberculosis with homoeopathy
We have lot of instances where in we have cases of multi drug resistant tuberculosis coming to us. I can share few experiences, a young boy who was around 18-20 years of age. He developed multi drug resistant tuberculosis due to taking irregular medicines. When we took his case and started homoeopathic treatment he came with recurrent abscess and fever. When we started homoeopahtic treatment for him, the first change that we saw in him was the episode of fever had completely reduced, he started gaining appetite, the weight which was going down started remaining constant. Over a few months the abscess returned and then over a few months, they subsided again. Over a period of year, with allopathic treatment and homoeopathic treatment continued together the patient stabilised, the X-Ray and sputum came back to normal and the patient lived healthily live thereafter. Another case i am telling you was a case of pleural effusion where the patient was completely normal, suddenly developed effusion due to some immune response and was diagnosed of having tuberculosis. Here the case taking was completely homoeopathic where we chose a remedy according to the organ affect, the side affected and the individuality of the person and the effusion got minimised and the patient was relieved after few months of treatment. Another case i wish to share with you was a case of tuberculoma of the brain. The patient came to us for convulsions because of the tubercluoma that she had in the past because of tuberculosis. The patient was being treated for convulsions to which the patient was responding only partially. After considering her past history of tuberculosis and when we gave medicines considering both, past history of tuberculosis and convulsions, the tuberculoma disappeared, the convulsions stopped, allopathic medicines were discontinued afterwards and the patient was healthy hereafter. The cases we treat now a days, most of them are drug resistant tuerculosis, the patient is not responding to allopathic medications. We come in there and then get the things back to normal. What i feel is that in such cases, when there is a crisis, the patient is on allopathy, you can have homoeopathic treatment in conjunction with allopathy to get the patient out much faster and in a healthier way. So we have a lot of work to do together in cases of tuberculosis per se.
Earlier we used to think, 10 years back, that tuberculosis is not there in our country. But now if you see the present scenario, we all homoeopaths and allopaths should think together that we require to join hands in treatment of tuberculosis. In cases of treating of tuberculosis, the homoeopathic approach always adds an edge towards the well being of the patient. So considering both treatments together will help mankind to get out of this dreaded disease much faster. And it is a healthier way as it minismises the side effects and the well being returns much faster. So I feel that working for tuberculosis, we all need to join hands to fight this dreaded disease.

Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar has been practicing now since the last 16 years, mainly in Thane & Ambernath. He is a guest lecturer at various institutes viz. J.J Magdum Homoeopathic Medical College Sangli, Jaisingpur, Bhagwan Medical College, Aurangabad and Kharghar Medical College, Navi Mumbai. His further contributions include a paper on ‘Study of carnivorous plants and homoeopathic understanding’ presented at the National Conference at Bhubneshwar in 2003, cases featured in various homoeopathic journals, as well as in the book ‘An Insight into Plants- Volume 3’ by Dr. RajanSankaran. He has been regularly teaching in the basic and advanced courses in the Sensation Method conducted by Homoeopathic Research & Charities. In addition, he also conducts courses in the Sensation Method for homoeopathic physicians in the vicinities of Thane and Ambernath. He is known for his unique style of case taking & case analysis amongst his students who have learnt in his clinic.
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