By Dr. Namrata Lohade, Consultant Nutritionist at the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare
With the onset of summer we all tend to get attracted towards ice creams, cold drinks, melons, juices etc. But along with it a question comes to our mind, How to face/ prevent summer ailments like sun stroke, digestive disturbances, dehydration?
Here are some simple tips which will help you enjoy summer with the best of health:
1) Avoid fatty food: Avoid foods dense in fats, fried food as it has very less water & fibre content hence difficult for digestion. Also takes longer time because metabolism is slow in summer.
2) Avoid :
• Sugary foods
• Aerated drinks
• Alcohol
• Beverages
As all of these tend to dehydrate your body
3) Avoid heavy meals, instead have frequent meals in moderate amount
4) Keep yourself well hydrated:
Have plenty of water, fluids, juices, coconut water & also fruits, salads which are rich in anti oxidants & water content.
5) Following are the natural coolants, which help to fight the sun stroke & maintain the thermal balance of body:
• Cumin seeds (Jeera)
• Khus (Vetiver)
• Mint leaves
• Rose petals
• Sabja seeds(being hygroscopic, help to retain water & hence prevent dehydration, cooling)
• Kokum(Garcinia Indica)
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