Friday, 23 September 2016

Lactation and Homeopathy

There is no doubt that breast feeding is the most natural and beneficial way to feed your baby and it can be a rewarding experience for both mother and baby. However, it helps to keep in mind that the early days are a learning period for both mother and baby, but with the right support and information at this time, most women breast feed successfully. Homeopathic remedies are reportedly very safe for nursing moms and babies.

As mothers, we know that there is no better nourishment for our babies than breast milk. Whatever a mother eats, drinks or uses medicinally, will influence her milk supply. Because of this superbly close affinity between the mother’s health and her milk, it’s vital that it be full of rich nutrients (courtesy of her nutrient-dense diet) and clean of any harmful substance from the likes of over-the-counter medicines, antibiotics or steroids. 

But what if the mother gets sick? Well, that’s where homeopathy comes in to play. 

Homeopathy addresses the entire person. Additionally, drugs tend to suppress the illness, while homeopathy helps the body overcome it. Homeopathy has no side effects and will not interfere with any other medications or procedures. Plus, it’s the gentlest and also most powerful way to give the gift of robust health to both mother and child. When a breastfeeding mother becomes sick, I strongly encourage her to try homeopathic remedies. This means that the remedies a mother might use for acute illnesses (mastitis, yeast infections, UTI’s, colds, flu’s, ear infections, etc) are both gentle and safe. Even if the mother and child are in good health, the daily use of cell salt remedies while the baby is nursing to promote and maintain robust health is advisable. Homoeopathy also helps to build bones and teeth enamel, strengthening blood vessels and arteries, and building strong and resilient blood, skin, hair and nails.  Will also be of excellent  help to nourish and fortify the infant’s health, too.A nursing mother gets the best of both worlds when she uses homeopathic remedies. Not only is her health gently and safely restored and supported, but in the process, her baby’s health is also nourished with every nursing moment. 


low milk supply accompanied with depression, and perhaps retained placenta.
an overabundance of milk or under abundance, often with anxiety and low self esteem.
an oversupply of milk, with stoic sadness or grief with little or no crying, and then only in private.
lack of milk with grief and crying, even hysterically.
for scanty or profuse supply with sadness with every 'let down' reflex.
weeps while breast feeding and needs a lot of support and company.
Post partum depression/post partum  psychosis
Engorged breast
Breast abscess

Homoeopathy is not only safe and  curative  in lactating mothers but also in infants it has excellent result with utmost safety.


Because babies feed from both breasts, they receive visual and tactile stimulation during feeds on alternate sides. This helps brain development in the area of left or right hemispherical dominance.
Infants’ eyesight, speech and jaw development are all known to be enhanced by breast feeding.

Breastfed babies have a higher resistance to disease and are less likely to become sick.

Breast feeding is one of the recommendations for lowering the risk of SIDS.

Breast feeding may lower the risk of your baby developing juvenile diabetes in the future. It may also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Breast feeding helps a mother’s body return to its pre-pregnant state more quickly. Many women also find they lose excess weight while breastfeeding.

Breast feeding delays the return of menstruation in most women. Breast feeding’s contraceptive effect can delay the return of fertility in most women.


This is to encourage all the lactating mothers to not stop breast feeding your child with the fear of the medicine interaction or any other problems related to nursing. We have the best to offer to you, so that the bonding with your child becomes stronger right from birth by breast feeding, which is every mothers right. 

Thus for all the mom’s make your mothering period wonderful and memorable with the memories of your tiny tot.



It is often said that challenges in life can often become the driving force for the greatest achievements. Children suffering from autism spectrum disorders have difficulty in communicating and socializing in conventionally spoken language. These skills can be improved by Soma Mukhopadhyay's RPM (Rapid Prompting Method). This a method which she has developed while training her severely autistic son and has later refined it further. 

This workshop is for patients, doctors and therapists
Date - 14th to 16th November
Time - 9 am to 4 pm
Venue - the other song, 1001, Peninsula Heights, C D Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, Mumbai 400058

For registration contact - 022 42616666
Email -
WhatsApp - +91 7738322289

Lets get talking and connect face to face

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Sunday, 11 September 2016


In the recent past there have been an increasing number of females coming with complaint of absent menses or missed menstrual cycles for months. Since this is not a life threatening disease, most of the general population takes treatment from a local doctor and feels better as long as medicines are going on. Once the medicines are stopped, the complaint more often than not relapses. Then the patients undergo a variety of investigations and consult another physician for the same. This kind of running from one doctor to other doctor goes on; however the problems still persists in majority of the cases. A woman who misses three periods in a row is labeled to have amenorrhea. Amenorrhea in simple terms means absence of menses for three consecutive months.

Pregnancy, breast feeding and menopause are the natural causes of amenorrhea.

There are many other reasons which can cause of missing the menses.

  • Hormonal disturbance - production of female sex hormones can be affected by range of factors emotional stress being the most common source. PCOS, which is rampantly prevalent these days, is related to hormonal disturbance and is the most common cause of amenorrhea which is stress induced in today’s fast and busy world. Drug induced - e.g. woman taking birth control pills may miss her periods for at least 4-6 months after stopping the pills.
  • Certain medications like antipsychotics, antidepressants and cancer chemotherapy could also lead to amenorrhea.
  • Structural problems in the female reproductive system can also result in amenorrhea.                

One way to look at this disease is to treat is by using hormonal pills through which menses are rendered regular, but only till the medicines are on. The other is a holistic way of looking at this condition; is that amenorrhea is a mere symptom of a larger disturbance ailing the body. This symptom is a signal that the inner harmony of the individual is disturbed. Holistic medical treatments believe in treating this inner disturbance rather than in prescribing medicines to simply bring on the menses. What is holistic treatment? In simple terms it means treating the mind and body both together. Homoeopathy is one of the best forms of holistic treatment and is arguably the only therapy with no negative side-effects or after-effects. It addresses the symptom, the disease, the cause thereof and the whole totality of the patient. It not only treats the body and its functions, but also the mind and touches the aura of the spirit which animates the entire individuality and ensures a complete well-being.

I wish to share a case of a 20-year-old college girl with irregular menses. This case demonstrates the holistic feature of true classical homoeopathy. She had been trying various forms of treatment for her irregular menses, but without much success. She like all other patients was skeptical of Homoeopathy, but agreed to resort to it due to lack of any other options. She used to get menses every 3-4 months. We can very well imagine the stress that the patient and her parents were going through as she was a college-going-girl, yet was extremely irregular in her menses. 

She had many fears namely of ghosts, insects, dogs and of the dark. At the mere sight of cockroach, she would shriek so loudly that the neighbors used to rush over anticipating some emergency. Based on the physical problem and studying her mind state, a suitable homoeopathic remedy was prescribed. To the surprise of the patient, she got her menses within 2 weeks of starting the treatment. This developed some faith and belief in her that Homoeopathy works. She has been regular in her follow-ups and her menses have been regular i.e. every 40 days compared to every 3-4 months before homoeopathic treatment. Her fears have reduced to a large extent. 

What was interesting was that she had a patch of alopecia (a patch of baldness) which she had never mentioned earlier and this patch also became normal. The tension in family reduced and harmony in the family was restored. She still comes for treatment for occasional cough and colds and has become a staunch follower of Homoeopathy since then.

Homoeopathy has a great potential to treat many if not all diseases in this busy stressful world of ours.

  • Continue to ignore your symptoms and experience a slow increase in discomfort, which will correspond to a decrease in your overall health.
  •  Treat your symptoms with the latest drugs or painkillers and create a short-term relief and a long- term damage to the rest of your body or,
  • Listen to your body and adopt a holistic approach to wellness. Treat the whole being, not just the symptoms.

So, the choice is yours………

Dr. Devang Shah, M.D. (Hom)

Senior Resident Doctor, the other song

Dr. Devang Shah graduated from D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College and has been practicing Homoeopathy for the last 5 years. He feels blessed to have studied under Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Jayesh Shah, Dr. Sunil Anand, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, Dr. Sujit Chatterjee and Dr Mahesh Gandhi. His goal in each case is to reach to the depth of it and locate the root from where the branches of disease originate. He has been known among his colleagues and clients to have immense ability to be patient and unearth the disturbance within each suffering soul. “Silence is the opening of an infinite world within each of us. May we reach the depth so that the spirit arises.” He practices at the other song on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.00 to 8.00 pm.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


“Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life’’. 
– Samuel Ullman

Teenage years (also called as adolescence) are a very important phase of life that every child goes through. It is not less than a transformation where from the child takes initial steps of progression towards adulthood. All major changes occur during this very phase. Girls and boys face different set of challenges during this phase. It is a period of intense growth spurt, where many changes occur physically as well as emotionally.

All teenagers vary in their maturity; some may mature faster while some may take a longer time. Girls usually mature faster that boys, which is a common notion based on the physiological growth cycle. In girls puberty usually begins at the age of 10-11 years and ends at 16-17 years while in boys it generally starts at the age of 12-13 to end at 16-17 years.

Along with the physical changes, the social and emotional behaviour of a child also undergoes massive change during this phase. An entirely different personality and identity shift takes place and there are a lot of changes seen as regards to the way a child behaves and interacts with his parents, relatives, friends and peers. The shift seen at this age is also influenced by several factors like the genetic make-up, customs and culture, surrounding environment, experiences with people around and parent-child relationship to name a few. Physical, emotional and social changes helps the teen establish and form an identity unique to himself. This identity that each one develops makes each teenager a unique adult of tomorrow.

Let us understand this with an example. A 13 year old girl was brought to me for homoeopathic consultation at the other song clinic. She presented with abdominal pain, headache and had lost about 8 kgs of weight in the past year. She said that the pain made her anxious and that headache would worsen when she was asked to do something against her will or forcibly. She wanted to pursue law and then later, MBA but her parents wished for her to take science. The latter would make her parents happy but she wouldn’t be happy. Due to her immense closeness to parents, she gets affected if her parents are not happy. She was unable to voice her choices due to this conflict. A suitable homoeopathic remedy was given to her. Additionally the parents and the patient were offered counseling. The child was asked to communicate her problems to the parents and the parents were asked to give more space to their child. It not only helped her gain more confidence but she was also able to effectively communicate with her parents. The parents were very happy to see their child come close to them.  

The teen years bring a handful of challenges both for the parent and child. Many adolescents usually feel they are not understood by people around especially parents which often makes them angry, misbehave and may lead to depression, frequent mood swings and anxiety. They may feel confused and alone while facing complex situations which require decisions in relation to academics or personal life. Parents usually get angry many-a-times feeling that their child who followed authority once upon a time is not doing so now as a result of which they may impose restrictions and pressure upon their child.

Parenting is a journey with its ups and downs. The key is to enjoy yourself as parents, be what the word actually defines, ‘take care of’. A parent should be a mentor and a guide and should know when to step back as well as to step in for the sake of your child. We should simply not do the hearsays in this process or give the child a taste of the same upbringing that we have been subjected to. Every situation is different and so is every child, even no twins can be alike. So, do not impose your decisions on the child. Listen, hear and watch where his / her happiness lies. Suggest, express your concerns and your wish to see him / her really happy. Be responsible to help them find their true happiness. Give them the time and make them feel loved and wanted and on a lighter note switch off your WhatsApp when you are around them!

It is an irony that as parents we want our kids to be happy, but we seek their happiness which makes us happy, makes them sad, and in turn makes us sadder. The solution lies as a parent to understand their kid and becoming a ground where a seed can germinate and grow as a tree, yielding fruits to himself and society. The key to successful journey of parenting lies in the understanding that this journey is not only about the growth of one’s child into a better and a mature individual but also a parent’s journey of growing with them. As a recent parent, I often feel nervous whether I will be able to do justice to this huge responsibility before me, but when I look at my tiny bundle of joy all that comes to my heart is ‘I too want to grow up with her and enjoy every moment along the way’. 
As they say ‘It is not the destination, but the journey that makes a difference!’

Dr. Rishi Vyas, M.D. (Hom)

In–house Consultant, the other song

1. the other song clinic newsletter, October- December 2015

Dr. Rishi Vyas has been assisting Dr Rajan Sankaran in the charitable O.P.D. at Mumbadevi Homoeopathic Hospital, Mumbai since 2004, and also has his private practice since 2005. He is a member of Wednesdays with Rajan team, an online course for students and practitioners of Homoeopathy. He presented cases on Acutes and Fever at Beacon Foundation, Mumbai. He also had an opportunity to share his experience on case taking at Gulabrao H.M.C, Miraj and at Pachchigar Homoeopathic Medical College, Surat.