By Dr. Devang Shah, MD(Hom)
It is a task in itself to deal with children who have behavioral difficulties. It pushes the parents and often the doctor to fringe of anger. What we will be discussing in this article are the ways and means to effectively deal with these problems. Here is a case of an 11 year old girl with major problems were here behavior and hyperactivity. She did not care for her marks, was stubborn, angry and least interested in studies. She would do exactly the opposite of what her mother asked her to do. She had now developed a habit of telling lies. This had a deep impact on the mother and this is how the mother brought her to seek my opinion.
Her case was taken and a suitable homoeopathic medicine was chosen. The mother would complain about the child during every follow up. There was an element of disease but it was magnified in the mother’s perception. Every time the child was scolded by her teacher, the mother would say the following things to the child,
• You are careless
• You are irresponsible
• You don’t know how to behave
• You are not studying well
The mother may or may not have been aware, but she was sending a message that, ‘you are a problem.’ It affects the child’s ego. This can either lead to rebellious attitude or withdrawal of the child into its own world. Both are detrimental to the progress of the child.
The question is how to correct this situation?
The best way perhaps is to tell the child that, ‘I am affected every time the teacher scolds you’. Here we are shifting the object of focus from ‘you’ to ‘I’. You are conveying your sensitivity to the child and the child gradually develops sensitivity towards your feelings. I had to spend hours explaining this to the mother after each consultation till she could apply this in her day to day life.
The child was given an appropriate homoeopathic remedy and the mother was counseled every time to not give the “you” message and both these things worked complementary to each another. The child improved; her concentration got better; fights between mother and daughter reduced significantly. Now when the teacher scolds her she feels it is for her own good and she is no longer careless about the scolding. She beautifully said that, ‘the criticizing teacher is my best teacher now.’ As a healer, it was such a joy to hear this. The child and the parent are now a happy unit. Seeing this level of transformation is immensely satisfying to the physician; as a healer.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson says,
"To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded."
It is a task in itself to deal with children who have behavioral difficulties. It pushes the parents and often the doctor to fringe of anger. What we will be discussing in this article are the ways and means to effectively deal with these problems. Here is a case of an 11 year old girl with major problems were here behavior and hyperactivity. She did not care for her marks, was stubborn, angry and least interested in studies. She would do exactly the opposite of what her mother asked her to do. She had now developed a habit of telling lies. This had a deep impact on the mother and this is how the mother brought her to seek my opinion.
Her case was taken and a suitable homoeopathic medicine was chosen. The mother would complain about the child during every follow up. There was an element of disease but it was magnified in the mother’s perception. Every time the child was scolded by her teacher, the mother would say the following things to the child,
• You are careless
• You are irresponsible
• You don’t know how to behave
• You are not studying well
The mother may or may not have been aware, but she was sending a message that, ‘you are a problem.’ It affects the child’s ego. This can either lead to rebellious attitude or withdrawal of the child into its own world. Both are detrimental to the progress of the child.
The question is how to correct this situation?
The best way perhaps is to tell the child that, ‘I am affected every time the teacher scolds you’. Here we are shifting the object of focus from ‘you’ to ‘I’. You are conveying your sensitivity to the child and the child gradually develops sensitivity towards your feelings. I had to spend hours explaining this to the mother after each consultation till she could apply this in her day to day life.
The child was given an appropriate homoeopathic remedy and the mother was counseled every time to not give the “you” message and both these things worked complementary to each another. The child improved; her concentration got better; fights between mother and daughter reduced significantly. Now when the teacher scolds her she feels it is for her own good and she is no longer careless about the scolding. She beautifully said that, ‘the criticizing teacher is my best teacher now.’ As a healer, it was such a joy to hear this. The child and the parent are now a happy unit. Seeing this level of transformation is immensely satisfying to the physician; as a healer.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson says,
"To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded."

Dr. Devang Shah graduated from D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College and has been practicing homoeopathy for the last 8 years. He feels blessed to have studied under Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Jayesh Shah, Dr. Sunil Anand, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, Dr. Sujit Chatterjee and Dr Mahesh Gandhi. His goal in each case is to reach to the depth of it and locate the root from where the branches of disease originate. He has been known among his colleagues and clients to have immense ability to be patient and unearth the disturbance within each suffering soul. "Silence is the opening of an infinite world within each of us. May we reach the depth so that the spirit arises?"
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