Friday 30 March 2018

How to improve your digestion this summer

Summer is that time of the year when children are enjoying their vacations but most of us are still working. By choice or chance, we still have to go out in the sweltering heat. With this we often face a host of health issues like sun headache, sun stroke, dehydration etc.

While all of these illnesses are very well known, what’s little known is the effect of summer heat on our stomach and digestive system. For starters, did you know that the digestion and bowel movements slow down during summer? Yes, this is how the body adapts to increased ambient temperature.

Here are 5 simple ways to keep your stomach healthy this summer

1. Eat small: Eating small gives the intestines enough time to process and assimilate the food. This will reduce the chance of developing constipation. This will also reduce the chances of developing bloating and acidity.

2. Hydrate well: Slow bowel movements and excessive water loss from perspiration will reduce the amount of water available for digestion. To make sure that enough water is available, hydrate yourself well with not only water but watery fruits, fruit juices, coconut water and cucumbers. Cucumbers are an excellent source of water and electrolytes.

3. Eat Slow and light: While the portions of your meals are small, it is essential that the quality is light and you eat it slow to facilitate proper digestion. Avoid excessively protein rich, fatty and excessively sweet foods.

4. Exercise moderately: While heavy exercises may tire you, moderate exercise will help you improve metabolism and therefore the pace of digestion.

5. Fresh food: Always eat freshly prepared food and avoid stale food as the excessive heat speeds the enzymatic processes responsible for fermentation and decomposition. Eating stale food can lead a host of problems including indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting

While homeopathy is well equipped to deal with a variety of health issues, it is particularly important for summer health issues as all of us respond in individual ways while we deal with the heat. Individualization and holistic approach combined are the key factors used in prescribing homeopathic medicines.

Kindly note:

The suggestions mentioned above are general in nature. For individual health advisory visit your doctor.

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