Monday, 27 May 2019

Summer Fruits - Tadgola

Taadgolas- (Ice Apples)

·       Taadgola is a seasonal palm fruit called as ice apple in English .

·       Its texture resembles closely to litchi and tastes a little bit like tender coconut.

·       It is a refreshing and cooling fruit and it is as natural as it can get.

·       It is loaded with vitamins and minerals.

·       It can provide energy to stay active during summers.

Tip : Tadgolas are available only during the summers, so go GRAB IT SOON !

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Summer fruits - White Jamun

White Jamun ( Rose apple/ Wax apple )

White jamun is a tiny refreshing summer cooling fruit packed with loads of sweetness and water. They are native to India. It is also called as wax apple or rose apple due to its distinct pinkish tone and a mild scented flavour.  It is a rich source of vitamins and dietary fibre which is extremely cooling for the body .

It is known to -

·       Regulate the blood sugar levels

·       Has antifungal properties and

·       Aids weight loss.

Tip : Wash the white jamuns thoroughly and then refrigerate it for a while, to enjoy a cool refreshing taste.

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Summer fruits - Mangoes


It’s the season to relish mangoes, the king of fruits. Mangoes are a rich source of antioxidants,
vitamin A and C which help maintain healthy hair and skin . A low calorie fruit that is high in fibre can be a great aid for constipation. Easily available all over India make the most of this wonderful fruit this summer.

There are a variety of dishes prepared from this fruit all over India such as aamras,
mango rice, mango pickle but nothing beats the feeling of biting through a fresh ripe organic mango!


Get the unripe organic mangoes and ripen it at home in a stack of hay. The sweetness of these
organic mangoes will linger on till the next season.

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Tuesday, 29 January 2019

H! - the other song Health Magazine- Jan-Mar 2019

H! The Other Song health magazine

Is homeopathy slow acting?
Dr Devang Shah answers this question with help of cases solved quickly with hommeopathic medicines

Homeopathic approach in #thyroiddisorders by Dr Gaurang Gaikwad

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
An article by Dr Arshia Khan

#FaceYoga at The other song' Clinic- Care Beyond Compare by Yoga consultant Anushka Malao

Winter #SuperFoods and #HealthyRecipes by Consultant Nutritionist Dr Komal Doshi Gandhi

Read all the health articles here:

Reach out to us on 022 42616666

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Satsangeet with Dr Rajan Sankaran – ‘Tu hi tu hai’ ( a hymn to him)

Poetry by Dr Rajan Sankaran
Set to Raga Kedar

Dr Rajan Sankaran
Dr Rupal Shah

Supported by:
Shri Nawaz Hussain on the tabla
Mr Mohit Nijai on the harmonium

We often attribute only good qualities to God. We say God is Truth, God is Love, God is infinite, etc. If this were true, then to who does belong the opposite qualities? To whom belongs untruth, hate, and mortality? Is there really anything that is not God? Is not God everything?

This is a question that came to my mind. The moment we differentiate what God is and what he is not, we limit our idea of God. Also; is not God the Source, the Origin of everything there is?

The answer came to me, that everything is God. That there is no me as well. I am God too, and if I am God, then all that is good or bad in me is also a part of God. If good intention comes to me, that is coming from God and if bad intention comes to me , that is from God too. All is God, the whole drama is God, the actors are all God including the hero and the villain, Ram and Ravan. The writer, director is God too. And so is the spectator. It is all one big ‘ Lila’, one big play. God is that Lila too.

The Hindu concept of Neti Neti or ‘Not this , Not this’, meaning God cannot be any one quality or condition or anything that we can think or know, is one way of looking at it. Another way, as expressed in this poem, is that everything we experience or see is God. So in some sense God is nothing and everything too. He is Shunya and Sampoorna .

Truth is not a thing, It is not even an experience. Realization of the truth is not an experience too. It is just the awareness of the totality of what is, the completeness of existence. It is just being in the here and now. It is just ‘Being’. It is the acceptance of all that is as expressions of a greater reality that is beyond our mind or comprehension. To express the Truth in words is not possible.

The three states of mind are the Waking or Active state, the Witness or the Dream state and the Silent or the Deep sleep state. All these states of mind are also a part of God and also God is beyond all of these.

Such an undivided , complete and universal concept of God is all inclusive. All the opposites are included in it. All the emotions, thoughts are there too. All the elements of nature are a part of it. All forms are God too, and God is formless as well. God is the individual and well as the infinite, the wave as well as the ocean.

For full translation of the song please refer:
Go to: Offerings | Wellness programmes | Satsangeet

Satsangeet with Dr Rajan Sankaran – Tu to Ram sumir (Remain absorbed in thoughts of him)

Tu to raam sumir (Remain Absorbed in Thoughts of Him)

Poetry by Kabir
Set to Raga Chayanat

Dr Rajan Sankaran
Dr Rupal Shah

Supported by:
Shri Nawaz Hussain on the tabla
Mr Mohit Nijai on the harmonium

“Let your mind be attuned to the higher truth while the world engages in petty quarrels.
The elephant walks at its own pace, not bothered about the dogs that bark.”

The barking dogs in the song of Kabir not only referred to people who were critical but actually pointed more to the noise inside of us. Such a view suggests that problems and crises that occur in our lives do not happen due to external factors, but are enacted in our own minds. We must learn to deal with these noises that are quite constant and often loud. The elephant represents the silence deep within us.

Identifying with that silence lets us walk our path in peace not bothered by the noise.

For full translation of the song please refer:
Go to: Offerings | Wellness programmes | Satsangeet

Satsangeet with Dr Rajan Sankaran – Akhiyaan khud ko kab dekhoge (Oh eyes! When will you look At yourself?)

Akhiyaan khud ko kab dekhoge (Oh Eyes! When Will You Look At Yourself)

Poetry by Dr Rajan Sankaran
Set to Raga Bhairav

Dr Rajan Sankaran
Dr Rupal Shah

Supported by:
Shri Nawaz Hussain on the tabla
Mr Mohit Nijai on the harmonium

The first step in the spiritual process is awareness. We spend our whole lives looking outward. Can you spend of few moments looking inside. Why is this important? Because really speaking everything is happening inside us. Everything is happening to us. Who is this to whom everything is happening?

We will need to become a witness of our own self. A witness is one who simply observes what is happening in great detail, but without any judgment or opinion or theory. This involves being fully in the moment and not using your logical or reasoning mind, but just living in the experience of the now and watching it closely. You can also call this meditation.

For full translation of the song please refer:
Go to: Offerings | Wellness programmes | Satsangeet