Friday, 30 March 2018

Preventing and treating depression with homeopathic medicines

It is common to experience low mood and have a sense of feeling ‘down’ many a times. What is abnormal is when low mood persists for a long duration. In psychological terms, it is called as ‘Depression’. Depression is one of the mood disorders which causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness.

Why do we experience depression?

The causes can be as follows

1. Reduced vitamin D levels in blood

2. Changes in hormonal levels in the body(especially during menarche, menopause, pregnancy, andropause, thyroid illness)

3. Adverse events in your life, especially during childhood

4. Unfulfilled expectations, ambitions and desires

5. Loss of loved ones

6. Physical or psychological trauma

7. Medications like those for high blood pressure and Hepatitis C

8. Irregular lifestyle

What happens to us when we are depressed?

1. Persistent sad, anxious or ‘empty’ mood

2. Loss of interest or pleasure in various activities

3. Decreased energy or fatigue

4. Sleeping disturbances, which include insomnia or excessive sleeping

5. Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even on small matters

6. Thoughts of death or suicide or frequent suicide attempts

7. Difficulty in concentration, taking decisions or remembering things

8. Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain

9. Changes in appetite (increased or loss of) and weight (loss/gain)

How will homeopathy prevent and treat depression?

Homoeopathy is a ray of hope to prevent and treat depression. As illustrated above, there are various causes which are responsible for a person to go in to depression. Homoeopathy offers help in the form of treating individuals specifically by going deeper in to the cause and finding out how was it experienced by that individual person who is feeling depressed. On this basis the further line of treatment is decided, which not only helps the person to come out of her/his depressed state but also helps change his/her entire perspective towards life; it helps in the transformation of that individual.

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The science of healing

Calling all Health the other song homoeopathic clinic and academy, Mumbai, on 11th April for a free talk on 'The Science of Healing'

"Our body is our friend. An illness indicates a mistake that we have made in understanding our life. Every illness is a wake-up call from the body. And the process of healing can never be complete if it has not been done by journeying within the self." - Dr. Newton Kondaveti. (Author of Consciousness Heals,The Art & Science of Meditation)

Join the world - renowned pioneers of Past Life Regression,
Dr. Newton Kondaveti, M B B S, M D & Dr. Lakshmi G V, M B B S

Dr. Newton along with wife Dr. Lakshmi have specialised in Past Life Regression & Holistic Therapy. They are also the founders of Life Foundation in Hyderabad. They travel extensively all over India and around the world teaching Meditation and Spiritual Science.

The talk will cover 

1.The alternative therapies (inner child healing, past life regression, family constellation, Rebirthing Breathwork) and their benefits

2. The science behind healing

Day: Wednesday

Time: 6pm to 8pm

Venue: the other song, 1001, Peninsula Heights, C. D. Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, Andheri West, Mumbai 400058

To know more & too register, 
call on 91672 55439 / 022 42616666

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How to improve your digestion this summer

Summer is that time of the year when children are enjoying their vacations but most of us are still working. By choice or chance, we still have to go out in the sweltering heat. With this we often face a host of health issues like sun headache, sun stroke, dehydration etc.

While all of these illnesses are very well known, what’s little known is the effect of summer heat on our stomach and digestive system. For starters, did you know that the digestion and bowel movements slow down during summer? Yes, this is how the body adapts to increased ambient temperature.

Here are 5 simple ways to keep your stomach healthy this summer

1. Eat small: Eating small gives the intestines enough time to process and assimilate the food. This will reduce the chance of developing constipation. This will also reduce the chances of developing bloating and acidity.

2. Hydrate well: Slow bowel movements and excessive water loss from perspiration will reduce the amount of water available for digestion. To make sure that enough water is available, hydrate yourself well with not only water but watery fruits, fruit juices, coconut water and cucumbers. Cucumbers are an excellent source of water and electrolytes.

3. Eat Slow and light: While the portions of your meals are small, it is essential that the quality is light and you eat it slow to facilitate proper digestion. Avoid excessively protein rich, fatty and excessively sweet foods.

4. Exercise moderately: While heavy exercises may tire you, moderate exercise will help you improve metabolism and therefore the pace of digestion.

5. Fresh food: Always eat freshly prepared food and avoid stale food as the excessive heat speeds the enzymatic processes responsible for fermentation and decomposition. Eating stale food can lead a host of problems including indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and vomiting

While homeopathy is well equipped to deal with a variety of health issues, it is particularly important for summer health issues as all of us respond in individual ways while we deal with the heat. Individualization and holistic approach combined are the key factors used in prescribing homeopathic medicines.

Kindly note:

The suggestions mentioned above are general in nature. For individual health advisory visit your doctor.

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