Monday, 26 February 2018

Easy tips for a healthy summer

Collated by Dr Komal Gandhi, Consultant Nutritionist at the other song homeopathy clinic in Mumbai

The sweltering heat of summer is at our doorstep. The average temperature will rise and days will be longer. We have to get used to or adapt to the changes in the weather.

Here are the five easy tips to beat the heat  

1. Increasing temperature causes greater and faster loss of water from the body. It is thus essential to not only replenish the body fluids with additional intake of watery fruits and water but also prevent water loss by avoiding going out in the sun unless needed.

2. In some parts of the world, the temperature is so high that it causes a condition called as 'heat stroke' which is an emergency and requires hospitalization. Symptoms of a heat stroke include altered state of behavior as the increased body temperature may adversely affect the brain, headache, increased heart rate, nausea and vomiting. To prevent it, wear light clothes, a cap, use an umbrella while going out the sun and walk in the shade as much as possible. In case someone has a heat stroke, it is best to hospitalize the person but one may also start cooling the body with whatever means are available; remove excess clothing, sponging with cold water, taking the person to a shade etc.

3. Use of air conditioners in offices, schools, homes and public places has increased many folds. There is a remarkable difference in temperature inside the air conditioned place and outside. While entering or leaving air conditioned premises, it is best to make a gradual transit from hot to cold temperature and vice versa. A simple way to do it is let your sweat dry out naturally first and then enter the cold place. There are some zones which are indoors, do not have an air conditioner, are warmer than the AC rooms but the temperature is cooler than the temperature outside. Spend few minutes there before entering the AC rooms and vice versa.

4. Jogging, exercising and outdoor games are a great way to remain healthy. But during summers, shift the strenuous physical activities either very early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature is the days lowest. This will prevent the unnecessary dehydration, tiredness and cramps.

5. The body's energy burning activity or metabolism are slower during summers. Eat easier to digest foods and eat smaller meals to cope with it. This will ensure that you keep getting the right amount of nourishment without having any adverse effects on your health.

It takes only 5 minutes to prepare one large glass of smoothie

All you need to prepare this smoothie is

• 1 cup fresh washed spinach leaves
• 1 cup fresh mango cubes
• 1/2 medium banana
• 3/4 cup light coconut milk (can substitute almond milk, but the end result might not be as creamy and won't taste coconutty)
• 1/2 cup orange juice

Optional additions:

• 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds (these add some more fiber plus omega-3 fatty acids and a little protein)
• Chopped mango or coconut for topping


1. Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour into glasses, add toppings if desired, and serve with a straw.

Nutrition facts

1. Apart from the generous amounts of carbohydrates and fibre, mangoes are rich in vitamin A. They also contain trace elements like zinc, selenium and manganese.

2. It is well known that spinach is a rich source of iron and vitamin A but it is also a rich source for folate and vitamin C

3. Banana is not only a rich source for naturally obtained sugar and calcium but also rich in pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

4. Coconut is a good source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and the essential amino acid arginine.

5. Oranges provide vitamin C in abundance. They also provide a wide variety of amino acids, bioflavonoids, trace elements and minerals.



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Thursday, 22 February 2018

Do Homoeopaths use Steroids?

Homoeopathy And Steroids
Do Homoeopaths use Cortisone?

Dr Prabha Patwardhan

Introduction: This question is raised often and again in Homoeopathy. We thought it would be useful for references to ask Dr Patwardhan for her article which appeared in the Sunday Observer.

laboratoryDo homoeopaths use cortisone, a steroid? This question is often posed by some patients during the course of a consultation. The answer is a definite ‘No’. Homoeopaths of integrity and commitment to their profession do not use cortisone and in fact have no need to. Their Materia Medical is very rich in remedies with a vast range of curative effects. I am an allopath who turned to homoeopathy after experiencing a personal cure for a minor but irritating ailment which allopathy was unable to cure. I then studied Homoeopathy and have been in homeopathic practice for the last 15 years. My only regret is that I did not study it earlier. Homoeopathy is a wonderful system of therapeutics and no one who has seriously studied it has ever doubted its efficacy. Then why are people having doubts about the medicines being adulterated with cortisone?

When I posed this question to my patients who voiced their doubts, they said that either they or some friend had the medicines given by their doctors tested (in most cases very reputable doctors) and they tested positive for cortisone.

I try to reason with them with the following arguments:

If one has been on long term cortisone, one would show some side effects like Moon facies, weight gain, excessive body hair, osteoporosis, diabetes etc.
Cortisone is not a cure all for all the ills of the world.
Homoeopathic remedies have a very wide range of curative properties.
Using steroid would in fact be counter-productive as they would have a suppressive effect.
In view of this why should any Homoeopath resort to using cortisone?

Recently I had an occasion to test these allegations.

One of my old patients who had changed to another homoeopath nearer her home, telephoned me frantically to say that she had had her medicines checked and they tested positive for steroids. I decided to send some of my medicines to be tested at the same place. The medicines sent were:

Unmediated Pills.
Cina 1M.
III. Belladonna 30.

Sulphur 30.
All these medicines were sent in a base of a small amount of lactose (Milk Sugar)

A report the following week, said, all of them tested positive for steroids

I asked them to carry out the same test on plain lactose. This also tested positive for steroids. It was now obvious that all these medicines were giving a false positive test for steroids. (Cortisone is a steroid)

The test used was the ‘Colorimetric method using tetrazolium blue salts’. In this test, the reaction depends upon the reduction of tetrazolium blue salt to give a highly coloured compound known as formazan. Under controlled conditions the amount of formazan developed is proportional to the quantity of steroid or any reducing sugars present in the material being tested.

In fact for some years, tetrazolium salts have been used for determination of reducing sugars. So if the drug contains any lactose, it will impart a strong colour with tetrazolium blue salt which will give a false impression of the presence of steroid. Secondly, if the alcohol used in this method is not completely free from aldehyde, it will interfere with the reaction and will impart some characteristic colour in the reaction and will impart some characteristic colour in the reaction, which may again give a false positive impression of steroid. So this method is not advisable to determine the presence of steroids in the drug.

Most homoeopaths use lactose as a base for holding the pills containing the homoeopathic remedy together in the powders. The pills themselves are made of cane sugar, a reducing sugar. Moreover almost all homoeopathic remedies have alcohol as a diluent. One can see how homoeopathic remedies, either as pills, powers or in alcohol, are likely to give a false positive test for steroids if this method is used.

Other methods utilized to test for steroids are:

Lieberman buchard test.
Thin layer chromatography method.
UV absorption method.
The UV Absorption Method
Almost all steroids show UV absorption method between 235 to 240 NM in dehydrated alcohol or methanol in a clear solution. A complete spectrum of this solution is taken in the range 400 NM to 220 NM on a suitable spectrophotometer. If any steroid (Cortisone) is present it will show maxima at 240 NM.

None of the four samples showed maxima between 230 to 250 NM showing absence of steroids.

The same samples when adulterated with a steroid showed maxima at 235 NM, showing absence of a steroid. (The steroid added was clobetasone-17 butyrate which has maxima at 235 NM).Figures I and II show the spectrum for Sulphur 30 and Sulphur 30 adulterated with a steroid, respectively. Figure I does not show maxima between 230 to 250 NM, showing an absence of steroids. Figure II shows maxima at 235 NM, showing the presence of a steroid.

Before accepting a claim that the tested medicine does contain a steroid, one must find out what testing procedures were used to eliminate a possibility of a false positive result. The recommended tests TLC and UV absorption method should ideally be carried out at any of the public testing laboratories listed by FDA (Food and Drug Authority). If tests conclusively prove that the medicine given is indeed a steroid, under the guise of a homoeopathic remedy, then one must confront the doctor and seek an explanation, or complain to the homoeopathic council so that disciplinary action can be taken against the erring doctor. Unsubstantiated allegations against any doctor are most unfair and damaging to his most cherished, professional integrity and indeed to the profession.

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How do I treat sprains with homeopathy?

Trekking, playing sport, camping and outdoor activity bring lots of enjoyment, but also lots of opportunity for injury.

Being injured is no fun.  While there is no miracle solution that can have you bouncing on a trampoline the day after a sprain or strain, homeopathic medicine can dramatically speed up recovery time and reduce pain and swelling.

How effective is it?  Well, effective enough that the Detroit Pistons (American pro basketball team) trainer and physiotherapist, Arnie Kander, uses it as a first line treatment for the team’s injuries.  He has a reputation for using homeopathic remedies that enable his players to recover in record time, and because of this, the Piston’s coach says of Arnie, “I’m not knocking anybody else, but this guy is the best.”

The effectiveness of homeopathy is well known by French pro athletes as well.  “Its greatest value in sports?  Its speed of action,” said Dr. Jean-Marcel Ferrel, doctor to the French National Soccer Team from 1993-2004, including the World Cup Championship Team in 1998.

There is often a misconception that homeopathy is slow to take effect.  Absolutely not!  In acute cases like injuries- cuts, bruises, sprains, fractures, concussion, etc.  it can produce improvement within minutes.

The most common homeopathic remedies for sprains or strains are listed below.  They can be picked up at most health food stores, Supplement’s Plus, or the Bloor West Homeopathic and Wellness Clinic.  If you are not getting the desired results, pop in for a professional consultation.

One dose = 3 pellets under the tongue at least 15 minutes before or after putting anything in mouth.

Arnica 30 C Used for any injury especially at the beginning stages where there is a lot of pain, bruising and swelling.  Immediately after injury, if pain is intense, it should be repeated every 15 minutes until symptoms improve.  When pain is more moderate, it should be repeated 3-4 times per day.

Arnica should be used in alternation with one of the following remedies:

Ruta 30 C  The number one remedy for sprains and strains (including carpal tunnel syndrome).   3 doses per day.

Rhus tox 30 C  For a sprain or strain when pain and stiffness are worse on first movement, and symptoms feel better after moving around.  There may be restlessness particularly while trying to sleep.  3 doses per day.

Ledum 30 C When injured area feels cold to touch and pain is better from cold applications.   3 doses per day.

What to do when you get injured miles away from immediate medical attention?  Go prepared!  Homeopathic First Aid Kits are available at the Bloor West Homeopathic and Wellness Clinic which contain remedies such as those listed above.

These kits are fantastic for families and adults who would like natural effective support for acute conditions like insect stings, sprains, food poisoning, shock/trauma, and much more.  They are very handy for traveling to the cottage or campsite where conventional medical attention may not be very close by.

Stay safe, but if you do get a sprain/strain, don’t worry…homeopathy will have you bouncing around again before you know it!

*Please be advised that a serious injury requires immediate medical attention.  Go to the nearest emergency room.
*The above mentioned remedies are only for reference. Please consult your homeopathic doctors before consuming them.

By the other song homeopathy clinic in Mumbai

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Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Homeopathy and stress management

Dr. Devang Shah, M.D. (Hom)
In-house Consultant, the other song

The prevalence of diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, skin ailments (like psoriasis, eczemas,
allergies etc.), asthma, hyperacidity, joint pains, arthritis and autoimmune disorders are on the rise in today’s hectic lifestyle. It has been predicted that India is going to be the diabetes capital of the world.

To make the scenario worse, the number of mental diseases like depression, anxiety, panics attacks etc. is also catching up at a shocking speed. It is very unfortunate that while we are progressing by leaps and bounds in the field of computers, technology, health care etc., the incidence of diseases is also on the rise. Scientists, doctors, researchers are coming up with new hypotheses, speculations, assumptions as to the causative factors of diseases, the direct cause of which is not known in many a cases. Then the concept of the psycho-somatic conditions was studied and it was found that most of the diseases in the modern life style can be grouped under this category. If the illnesses are to be studied with respect to their origin and the cause, we find a common culprit at the base of the vast pyramid of these chronic modern day disorders, viz, stress.

Being a homoeopath; most of the patients come to us very late for treatment. They come because either they are tired of the long standing medications or the side effects get more severe than the disease itself or when the modern medicine does not have an answer to their problem. Many of the patients report the root cause of their suffering as stress. And indeed if we are to see, STRESS has become a universal name and the cause of all our sufferings as it is a part and parcel of our routine life as well.

What is stress? Most of us believe that stress is something external. We often say that my boss, my mother-in-law, my wife, my husband, my situation etc. is the cause of stress. We frequently tend to blame the other person or the situation. E.g. we say because my boss is too demanding I am stressed. I had an opportunity to experience considerable stress owing to a trivial situation in my own life. I had to travel to Pune by train which was scheduled for departure at 5:10 p.m. Considering the heavy traffic, I left my house an hour early at 4 p.m. The travel through this route which happens to be my routine, made me confident that I would reach the station by 4:30 p.m. given the heavy traffic too. However, to my surprise, the traffic that day was terrible. It was 4.30 p.m. and I had not even travelled half the way. This created a lot of turmoil within me. To add to my frustration, the taxi driver was driving at the slowest possible speed. At 4:40 p.m., I lost my cool and fired the taxi driver. On thinking about it, I realized that it was a stressful situation for me. My heart beats grew faster with each passing second, I lost my temper, I was trembling in anger, my ears were hot and my blood was boiling. But then there was a sudden flash of awareness. I calmed myself down and turned my focus within. I realized that the main thing which was bothering me was the fact that if I missed the train, I would be left with no option other than to travel by bus, which would mean a considerable more expense. The moment I become conscious of this my anxiety began to ease. So what was the stress?

Was it the traffic condition or was it the slow driving? When we examine this situation deeply, we see that all the turmoil and the disease was the manifestation of the feeling to spend more money. That means the stress was not the situation itself, but my perception of the circumstance. The stress was about spending in my case and not the traffic or the slow driving. So the stress is not something external but the way we perceive and experience our state of affairs.

The moment we realize or become aware of this perception, ease sets in.
This inner turmoil, inner disturbance, inner perception which is either subconscious or unconscious is what we call in Homoeopathy as disease. The external situation like the traffic jams are just apparent causes to excite this inner turmoil.

So we see that at conscious level it is the traffic and slow driving but the way I experienced this is loss of finance. This loss of finance is what we call in Homoeopathy as ‘the other song.’ This other song, this inner turmoil needs to be healed.

During a homoeopathic interview a homoeopathic physician tries to identify this inner disturbance. He is skilled in this art of carving the portrait of this inner mayhem. This is done by going deeper into the fears, the dreams, the stressful situations and the physical complaints. The medicines are intended to correct this inner chaos, the real root, the true origin, the foundation or the source of so called dis-ease.

The idea that mind is the cause and source of disease is not a new one. Our sages preached this idea millions of years ago, that a diseased body could be an indication that the mind is not at ease and this factor needs to be addressed first. Thus several diseases once thought to be merely physical dysfunctions have been found to be psychosomatic in origin.

Conversely when the mind is calm, quiet and balanced, it starts to heal the distress, the physical problems start undergoing remission, the immunity gets a boost, the sleep improves and more importantly the relationships become more harmonious and fulfilling. Slowly one starts to become more loving, forgiving and an attitude of reverence develops within for all creatures. Thus connecting to godliness within and transforming self. One becomes a paradise of heaven; radiating peace and joy. Homoeopathic medicines have a great potential to correct and bring back the balance and a sense of well-being.

The other way is to connect with your breath. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the breath.
Follow your breath. Observe how air flows in and out. Thoughts come and go. They might be positive and negative. However, we should just focus on our breath. Thoughts will come and go; it is the nature of mind to manufacture thoughts. Don’t judge them. All you need to do is just watch it completely free of judgment. After practicing this exercise for few days you will notice healing effects and develop an awareness relating to feel better for you. You start getting in touch with yourself. This awareness of oneself is blissful, joyful, peaceful and delightful.

As you continue this you will see that it becomes a part of your daily life.

Lastly laugh a lot. When you laugh a hearty laugh you become one. Thinking stops. Your mind, body
and soul are one. You function in harmony. When the laughter is really deep suddenly you feel your
body and soul are functioning together. There is no thinking, no judgment and no perception. Thus there is no disease; there is only ease. Sammy Goldberg looked very sad; his wife was sick so he called the doctor. After examining Mrs Goldberg, the doctor said to Sammy, “I am afraid it is bad news; your wife has only a few hours to live.I hope you understand there is nothing more to be done. Don’t let yourself suffer.” “It is alright doc,” said Goldberg, “I have suffered for 40 years; I can suffer a few more hours”.


Sri Sri Ravi Sankar: Management Sutras
Speaking Tree
Sri Sri Ravi Sankar: Art of Stress Free Living
Body Mind Balancing Osho

Dr. Devang Shah M.D. (Hom)
In-house Consultant, ‘the other song’
Dr. Devang Shah graduated from D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College and has been practicing homoeopathy for the last six years. He feels blessed to have studied under Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Jayesh Shah, Dr. Sunil Anand, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, Dr. Sujit Chatterjee and Dr. Mahesh Gandhi. His goal in each case is to reach to the depth of it and locate the root from where the branches of disease originate. He has been known among his colleagues and clients to have immense ability to be patient and unearth the disturbance within each suffering soul. "Silence is the opening of an infinite world within each of us. May we reach the depth so that the spirit arises"!

He practices at the other song homeopathy clinic

To book your appointment with Dr. Devang email us on

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Clarifying the Confusion Surrounding Homeopathy

Ever wonder what homeopathy is all about? A cloud of confusion surrounds the topic of natural medicine, as it all seems to get clumped together.  This lack of clarity makes it difficult for people to decide what form of natural medicine is right for them. The following article will help to clarify what homeopathic medicine is and is not.

MYTH#1 Homeopathy is the same as using herbs and vitamins.

Classical homeopathy does not involve the use of vitamins or herbs to treat disease.  It is a system of natural medicine using micro-doses of specific substances to reverse the disease process and restore health.  Homeopathic medicine comes in the form of little white pellets or liquid drops and only one remedy is given at a time.  While it is natural, it is a system of medicine based on sound scientific principles and should not be confused with herbal medicine or nutrition, though most homeopaths are trained in nutrition and use it to support the action of the remedies.

MYTH #2 Homeopathy involves spending a lot of money on supplements and natural health products.

In fact, classical homeopaths work with one remedy at a time.  In a chronic condition, the patient will spend approximately $5 per month if that.  Homeopathic medicines are extremely cost – efficient.  Mother Theresa has been in support of using homeopathy for medical aid to impoverished nations because they are so effective yet also so economical.

Both classical homeopaths and other natural doctors charge a fee for the consultation, however in classical homeopathy, patients are not expected to pay for a number of products on top of that fee.

MYTH #3. All natural medicines taste awful, and I could never get my child to take them.

In fact, children love them!  One of the nice things about homeopathic remedies is that they are like little pleasant tasting pellets that dissolve quickly in the mouth.  Even the fussiest children like to take them.  They are easy to administer to infants and weak patients, and when necessary, can even be dissolved into water, or crushed to a sweet tasting powder.

MYTH #4 The treatment is complicated and difficult to follow.

Many natural health care providers send the patient away with a confusing and time-consuming schedule for taking the prescribed products.  It can be frustrating trying to remember to take a regime of supplements, three times per day, 10 minutes apart, away from food, with food, and so on.  This type of schedule is very stressful to maintain, and is difficult to continue with for the most disciplined of patients.  In classical homeopathy, the medicine is taken very infrequently, even in serious chronic disease, and therefore does not require very much effort and energy on the part of the patient. 

MYTH #5. Natural medicines are dangerous and cannot be taken with conventional drugs.

Homeopathic remedies are extremely safe, non-toxic and non-habit forming.  They are frequently used by pregnant women and newborns, and thus are safe enough for the most sensitive of patients.  Furthermore, there are no contraindications in terms of combining conventional drugs with homeopathy.

In fact, most patients who come to a homeopath are already on some form of conventional drug and begin their homeopathic treatment using both at the same time.  Through time, the homeopathic medicine improves the patient’s condition to the point where they no longer need their conventional medication, and they can work with their physician to wean off the drugs completely.

MYTH #6.You need to keep taking them for the rest of your life.

The purpose of homeopathic treatment is to get to the root of the disease and to remove it.  Initially the patient usually takes the homeopathic remedy on a regular basis, ie once per week to once per month, but within months or a few years in certain cases, the condition disappears and the remedy is no longer needed.  Therefore, there is no dependency created.

MYTH #7.Homeopathy may help with mild physical health problems, but cannot treat serious chronic illness or psychological problems.

This is probably the most unfortunate falsehood about homeopathy.  Homeopathy has successfully treated patients with serious acute disease like meningitis, scarlet fever, whooping cough, and concussion as well as those with more long term illness like diabetes, cancer and lupus.  Furthermore, homeopathy is very successful in treating mental/emotional health problems in both adults and children.  Such problems include but are not limited to bipolar disorder, severe depression, attention deficit disorder, panic attacks and paranoia.

Alternative medicine is a hot topic these days, but there are also many misconceptions.  Make sure you find out the facts so you can make an informed decision regarding your health care.

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“Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state”.

Acne Vulgaris or acne as it is commonly known, is a common skin condition that usually affects teens and adults, and more so females than males. While for some people it is seen as one or two spots and that too once in a while, some people tend to get it more frequently with skin breakouts including a lot of pus-filled looking pimples. Acne vulgaris is what this is termed as and can be seen as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples pustules (a small blister or pimple containing pus), cysts, abscesses and greasy skin. It is caused due to the hair follicles getting clogged with oil from the skin as well as dead skin. Homeopathic treatment for acne has been very successful based on a holistic approach to treating the same.

Young people feel hassled by acne as the redness and scarring on the face does tend to do potential harm to their good looks. It often leads the younger generation to have low confidence levels with lessened self-esteem and eventually hampers their full growth potential, personally as well as professionally. The smallish looking eruptions of acne tend to be a kind of never ending cycle where no sooner than one crop subsides, does another cycle of the same come up, resulting in endless stress and frustration for the afflicted person.

To deal with the problem of acne, what follows is an endless speculation about its possible causes. Many attribute the cause to be adolescent hormones, while a few contribute it to genetics and the rest put it down to an oily skin with a predisposition to such eruptions.

There are multiple causes of acne, a few of which are:

Excessive production of sebum due to variations in hormonal levels, especially so during puberty
Genetic predispositions
Life style factors like faulty diet habits, obesity, certain disease conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), psychological factors like stress, anxiety, etc.
“Awareness is so important when it comes to healing. When you discover a thought pattern which needs to be changed and begin to shift it, the symptom (manifestation) within the body that the thought pattern is causing will begin to disappear because its function (which is to be the communicator and indicator of a lesson which needs to be learned) is no longer needed.”   – Teal Scott

While in most cases one is not fully to nail the exact cause of acne, why should we let the absence of a perfect diagnosis hamper our search for a cure? Is there a permanent treatment for this complaint, rather than just advising the individual to wait for the adolescent phase to pass or to administer steroids and antibiotics? Is there a gentler way out, one with no side-effects and one that is permanent?

Besides the various clinical causes of any disease including acne, there exist causes that are basically manifestations or external expressions of the inner state of an individual. Have you ever wondered why everyone on this earth having stress does not suffer from acne?  Why everyone having hormonal imbalances does not suffer from acne?  This is because every individual is different and unique in his/her own way. Each individual has his/her own set of reactions to various stimuli present in their surroundings. It is the reaction of each individual to various stimuli that pre-disposes him/her to suffer from ailments, one of them being acne. Every individual experiences and perceives various outer situations in a different manner based on their individual wiring, according to their susceptibility. This is what distinguishes the individual, and this is what we refer to as ‘the other song’. It is the experience, the common thread that runs through the mind and the body and connects the two together. At ‘the other song’, we look out keenly for the ‘other song in every individual. It is by bringing out the deepest experiences of the person, that we find the pattern that is unique to him or her. It is on this experience and the complaints of the patient that we base our prescriptions. When the patient is thus treated, it not only takes care of his/her complaints, but also relaxes the stress and strains he/she is experiencing. By addressing the individual and his/her complaints in totality, we aim to bring about a change in the quality of his/her life by bringing about an improvement in the ailments.

Acne Healing – Three Case Studies

A holistic homeopathy based approach to acne is worth taking a look at and here we share a few case studies of how homoeopathic consultants at The Other Song Clinic have addressed the same. Dr. Pratik Desai attended to a young woman in her early thirties who complained of multiple, painful, big, pinkish-red acne on both her cheeks. Despite her taking very good care of her skin, following a proper diet and hygiene regimen and having normal hormone levels (as per investigations) the acne had been recurring for years. The use of modern medicines for prolonged durations had not made much impact.

During the case-taking interview, various areas of her life were explored in an attempt to find out more about her as a person and the root cause of the stress within her. It was found that she had been highly stressed out after a break-up with her boyfriend and was also stressed about her parents’ ill health.  When asked to describe how she felt or experienced in the stressful circumstances, she described it as ‘being alone with no one to take care of her’. The patient said that she needed someone to share her feelings, to look after her and to take care for her.  Based on this experience and various other physical and mental peculiarities that were brought out during the detailed case-taking process, she was prescribed a suitable homoeopathic medicine which matched her overall state. Within a month of starting with the homoeopathic medications, there was significant improvement in her acne and gradually all her eruptions subsided and went away. It has been a year since her starting the treatment and there has been no relapse in the acne. Not only has her acne become better but her state of mind has also improved to a large extent. The extent of improvement in her acne can be noted quite well through the photographs provided below.

In another case seen by Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar and Dr. Manish Yadav at The Other Song Clinic, a 16-year-old boy came with chronic acne. He did not have any other complaints besides this.  By nature he was found to be very fastidious, always wanting things to be in their proper place. He was a perfectionist in whatever work he did and was extremely organized. He said, “I am always dominated and have lots of expectations to be fulfilled which builds a lot of stress in me”. On acquiring more information during case-taking it was learnt that he had had to take care of many responsibilities at the tender age of 16 years, which had caused a lot of turmoil within him. Based on the information acquired from him as well as his parents, he was prescribed a suitable remedy from the plant kingdom, which matched not only his main complaint of acne, but also his state of fastidiousness and turmoil due to excessive responsibility (images before and after the treatment are provided below). Within a few months of treatment, the skin cleared out completely without leaving any scars or marks behind. The eruptions never came back even after the medications were stopped. He has been completely off medications for a few months now.  The feelings of being dominated and the stress due to excessive expectations too have improved considerably. He is able to balance his work better as compared to earlier.

In a case addressed by Dr. Arshia Khan at The Other Song Clinic, of a 20-year-old college girl complained of acne on her face and back which had started a year ago when she joined college to pursue further studies. During the detailed case-taking it was found that she constantly felt that she was not appreciated by her friends at college as well as by parents at home. As a result, she started staying aloof and would occasionally cry alone. She said, “No matter what I do for my friends, they never appreciate me. When I cook a new dish at home I am never complimented on that. I get angry and feel like running away from everyone. I was not even allowed to pursue the field of my choice, which made me all the more angry and frustrated.” Talking further about her experience, she said, “I feel degraded, I want to just run away from everything and everyone”. She then added, “I want to become a famous and renowned person, whom people should look up to and appreciate”. On enquiring about her dreams she revealed that she had dreams of becoming the CEO of a company where people would look up to her and listen to her orders. On the basis of the above understanding she was given a suitable homoeopathic remedy. Within two months of starting the treatment, her eruptions decreased considerably (given below are the images before and after treatment). Her overall state of not being appreciated by others improved. She was much happier now and started mixing with people.

Useful Skin Care Tips for Acne

Use gentle soaps and face washes. Even washing the face three to four times a day with plain water can help fight the infective organisms

Avoid rubbing and touching the skin eruptions. Squeezing, pinching or picking too should be avoided since they can lead to scarring and marks.

Avoid frequent use of cosmetics and thick layers of make-up which can worsen the eruptions.

Exercise is known to be a part of the healing process. Try to exercise on a regular basis which can help alleviate this condition and relax you mentally as well as physically.

Avoid exposure to strong sun-light and harsh chemicals.
Consume plenty of fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts and water.