Saturday, 19 August 2017

Health Care During Monsoon

Here comes the monsoon…and with it comes a much awaited relief from the long spell of the scorching and sultry summer. It is the best season for one to rejuvenate!

However, with the sigh of relief, also comes along a host of disease producing factors for which one needs to take timely and apt precautions.

Diseases that are spread during monsoon are basically water borne and gastrointestinal infections. Typhoid, diarrhea and jaundice are also common. Accumulation of water on the roads promotes the growth of the mosquitoes causing malaria and dengue. Eye flu and infections of the foot are also observed in this season. Also diseases like dryness, spasmodic pain, high blood pressure, gas formation and gastric disturbances occur frequently. Also one comes across cases of viral attacks and coughs and colds.

Following are a few safeguards that one can observe to simply enjoy the beautiful monsoon weather without any botheration:

Dietary care:
  • During monsoon, intestinal functions along with the digestive system become weak, and thus make the body highly susceptible to any kind of infection. Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly, particularly leafy vegetables and cauliflower, which not only contain larvae and worms, but also collect dirt from the streets.
  • Always eat light food and avoid as far as possible too much of spicy and fried foods. 
  • Avoid consuming food that is exposed to the surroundings for quite a long time since food that is exposed for a long time is contaminated by the germs, which if enter the body, may cause various infections. Flies that are the most common carriers of germs mostly cause contamination. Therefore, remember to cook the vegetables well and steam them properly to kill the germ content in them, if any.

Importance of drinking boiled water:

  • Sewage and drain pipes lie close to each other, and in the monsoon these pipes develop leaks - with the result that the sewage water comes into contact with regular water. Many diseases like cholera are spread through faeces, and plus there are a host of other water borne diseases. Hence do not drink water which is not properly boiled and stored. Drinking water should be boiled and properly filtered. It is best advisable to drink warm water with the meals for easy digestion.

Precautions for diabetic patients:

  • Diabetic patients need to take extra care of their feet during the monsoon season. These patients should take specific care, as not to walk barefoot since the soil on which they walk is a reservoir for all types of germs.

Precautions for asthmatic patients:

  • Asthmatic patients also need to take special care during monsoon and they should ensure that there is no accumulation and seepage of water from the vicinity of their residence since that will cause severe health problems. They should also ensure that a fungus does not grow in the wooden furniture and in other articles like shoes and leather bags.

Coping with mosquitoes:

  • Prohibit mosquito breeding since they are also carriers of deadly germs which can give rise to malaria and dengue, which at times can also be lethal. Do not let water accumulate in your surroundings. Mosquito nets or repellents should be used wherever possible.

Precautions from electrical injuries:

  • Apart from naturally occurring diseases described above, electrical injuries due to leakage of current, water dripping on to live electrical wiring, electrocution is also common. It would be wise to give a thorough check-up to the wirings, switches, plugs and positioning of wires around the house. Furthermore, do not forget the electrical appliances. In case they have any faults, attend to them at the earliest. A stitch in time saves nine. Never handle electricity barefoot or with wet clothes and shoes. You could get a nasty shock.

Precautions for children playing in the rain:

  • Also take care of your children who love to splash through waterlogged streets, this could be dangerous. Water logging conceals a lot of rubbish spilling over from dustbins, drains and manholes. It often contains glass pieces, stone chips, insects and other substances. These can inflict serious injuries on tender bare feet. Furthermore, there is always an open manhole lurking somewhere to gobble up an unwary child.


  • Exercise is an important part of your monsoon health care regime and it is very essential to look at different forms of indoor exercise regime especially for all those who love outdoor activities. Like hitting a gymnasium or doing simple exercises even at home or yoga, etc, would be a good option.

Skin infections:

  • Taking due care of skin, more so for people prone to or suffering from fungal infections especially of the feet. As getting wet or staying soaked in the rain for long can lead to or aggravate skin troubles.

Thus a little effort on your part coupled with care and caution can really help you enjoy this monsoon to its fullest. Be extra alert and observe these safety guidelines.

Wish you a safe monsoon!

Dr. Meghna Shah, B.H.M.S.
Dean, ‘the other song’

                                                        1001, Peninsula Heights,
                                                            C. D. Burfiwala Marg,
                                                         Juhu Lane,Andheri (W),
                                                                 Mumbai - 400 058.

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