Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Rain rain go away....

Dr Meghna Shah, Dean of 'the other song' talks about how to tackle monsoon ailments...
When the first drops of rain fall on the ground, it brings a relief from the heat and we heave a sigh of relief.

But monsoon also bring with it food and water contamination and the resultant illnesses.
Monsoon sees a rise in infections with fever, colds, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, malaria, dengue, pneumonia among others.

Let us simply list out infections and how to tackle them...
Common cold: 
Obviously most common, symptomised by runny nose, constant sneezing, headache, and recurrent sore throat.
How to avoid cold...
·    Wash your hands regularly.
·    Do not share towels and handkerchiefs.
·    Cover your mouth when you sneeze.
·    Do not get wet in the rain.
·    Avoid cold foods.
·   Gargles, steam inhalations and a simple brew of mint, ginger, basil and lemon grass works best along with medication.
Typhoid: If you have fever, severe abdominal pain, headache with diarrhoea or constipation, check for typhoid. Eat clean and hygienic food. Drink bottled water.
Malaria: Water logging results in more mosquito breeding and that brings Malaria.  Fever, shivering, muscle pain and weakness are symptoms of Malaria.
Dengue: Dengue Fever, intense headache, muscle pain, vomiting, tastelessness, weakness, dry tongue, constipation, puffiness on face and a characteristic skin rash symptomises dengue.
To avoid both Malaria and Dengue, keep away conditions that breed mosquitoes. Use a mosquito net or repellent for safety.
Hepatitis A and E: Spread through fecal-oral method, that is ingestion of contaminated food and water, this is a short-term (acute) infection. Also, avoid street food and water.

Allergic asthma, Amoebiasis, Fungal infections, Conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, ear ache, pneumonia, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, Gastro enteritis are other few infections that can be kept at bay with hygienic food and water.
During monsoons, go for Ginger and herbal teas, warm water, coconut water helps best.
As a rule, avoid roadside food and water.
Wash hands frequently.

Homeopathy for monsoons

1. Curative: any and all forms of infections are very much curable with homeopathic medicines. All you need to do is to contact your homeopathy doctor and take the right homeopathic medicines. 
2. Preventive: Diseases like Chikungunya, Dengue and Malaria are know to spread fast. If you live in a locality where people have been affected with these illnesses, your homeopathy doctor will give you a preventive line of treatment as and when needed.
3. Developing long term immunity: If you are on regular homeopathic medications, you are less likely to fall prey to monsoon illnesses as homeopathy also helps in improving and maintaining good immunity.  

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Vitiligo Awareness Day - Facts, prevention and treatement

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is pronounced  as vit-il-eye-go in other words is depigmentation of skin, where white patches occur on any area of the body, due to colour difference between the affected and unaffected areas, When melanocytes that give skin pigments their colour are destroyed, skin cells appear white, and this causes vitiligo.

Possibly an autoimmune disease that is not contagious, Vitiligo is also associated with pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism and Addison's disease.

Vitiligo initially appears on the face, lips, hands, arms and feet, and may spread to armpits, eyes, genitals, groin, navel and nostrils.

Vitiligo results in sun sensitivity and increases chances of sunburn and in certain cases, cause skin cancer. Consult your doctor in case of vitiligo.

Creams, depigmentation, repigmentation and grafting are beneficial in cases of vitiligo. Using sunscreens with a minimum SPF of 15 helps.

Homeopathy for Vitiligo

1. Preventive: Physical and psychological stress has been associated with vitiligo, stress management therefore is an essential tool to prevent vitiligo. Homeopathic medicines are known to play a vital role in helping cope with stress in a positive manner. Thus vitiligo can also be prevented from progressing

2. Curative and palliative: Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole. Once the underlying reason for vitilgo has been taken care of, there are chances that it may get resolved to a great extent without any ill effects on the skin and the body. 

3. Psychological effects due to vitiligo: People suffering from vitiligo often fall prey to depression and anxiety. Homeopathy has definite scope in relieving them of the low mood and worry

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Friday, 23 June 2017

Homoeopathy – A Way of Life

“A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the most delightful way...” Thus sang Mary Poppins. But if your medicine were simply globules of sugar, wouldn’t life be one sweet forever moment!
What better than homoeopathy that believes in the holistic, natural approach, treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a part or sickness, with remedies that are vegetable, mineral, or animal in nature.
Vishasya Vishamevam Aushadam and Samaha Samena Shantihi, said my mother, when giving us the sugar pills. Something that I repeat to my children. And see the sugar pills bring a smile to their lips and a cure to their illness.
Homoeopathy is a way of life for me in the 47 years of my existence. And even today, I still marvel at the miraculous power of the medicine. Whether it be first aid or domestic emergencies, the homoeopathy medicinal box is the one that mom reached out for. As did her mom. And before.
From childhood, we have seen homoeopathy treat us safely and effectively. The homoeopathic remedy that is tincture or cream has always worked. As a kid, I have experienced homoeopathic remedies work with accidents such as cuts and grazes, bites, bumps, bruises and burns, felt the medicines help assimilate the shock of burning, anaesthetise the area, aid in skin regrowth.
That is not all. For cough, cold, sore throats, flu and indigestion, mom always knew the right solution. And trust me, we never had side effects.
When a medicine cures with the simple principle that believes in Like being cured by like, aimed to direct and stimulate the body's self-regulatory mechanisms with a sweet after-effect, need I ask for more!

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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Back to School: Do's and Don'ts

It is that time of the year once again, the second week of June when most of the schools reopen. As easy as it may sound, parents of preschool children often face a lot of difficulty with the children not being able to adjust to the movement from daycare to   preschool.  Here are some simple dos and don'ts to ease out the transition.


Schedule and routine
It is important to set a sleep hygiene at least a week before the date of reopening of schools. It makes the transit easier for both parents and children.

Familiarise your child with the school surroundings
Take you child for a walk around the school premises. It helps.

Connect to peers
Check with parents of other children who are likely to be in the same class as that of your child. Let the children connect.

Talk to your child
The child will be inclined to respond if you give him or her the right space by asking the right questions like 'How was your day today' or 'What are the new things you learnt today'.


Unrealistic expectations
Don't be discouraged by setbacks at school; it is part and parcel of every child's life.                                    Don't set unrealistic expectations. Let the child fall and rise again from the difficulties faced at school.

Don't wait for the teacher to communicate
Should you feel that there are concerns relating to your child, communicate with the teacher. Don't wait for the teacher to reach out to you.