Tuesday, 25 October 2016


This Diwali we offer you
Oil free
Ghee free
Sugar free 

laddoos for your sweet tooth!

The WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET at the other song will take your taste buds on a taste tour which is delicious and healthy.

Date laddoo 

1 cup dates(deseeded & chopped)
½ - ¾ cup roasted sesame seeds
¼ cup roasted pea nuts( with the covering)


Put the chopped dates in grinder & start grinding, Go on adding sesame seeds & peanuts slowly in gaps, they start leaving oil. Remove the mixture from the  grinder & roll out to make laddoos.

Health Benefits

The natural oil of peanuts and sesame seeds will help bind the ladoos. You may also add almonds, cashew nuts to bring if you wish to.

Oil free, ghee free, dairy free, sugar free  healthy ladoos are ready!

Healthy tips for Diwali!

Viral illnesses – Herbal tea, soups, khajur pak as it increases immunity, gives warmth and an appetizer too!

Dry skin – eat seeds(sunflower, chia etc.) and Dried fruits(raisins, apricots etc.).

Low mood - Expose yourself to early morning sunlight, go for a brisk walk.

Joint pains and stiffness - homoeopathic medication along with food regulation. Avoiding sour things may help.

Allergic complaints – It is now proved beyond doubt that homoeopathy plays a good role in treatment of allergies. Along with it, yoga and healthy food will help you heal faster.

MAKE THE MOST OF this winter season and contact us at the other song for


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Monday, 17 October 2016

Herbal Tea


2 stalks of Lemongrass

Handful of mint leaves

Handful of tulsi leaves

½ inch piece of grated ginger

1/2 tsp Date paste / Jaggery

2 cups Water


Make a concoction of all these ingredients and pour two cups of boiling water over it. 

Benefits of herbal tea

Aromatic herbal tea is ready to soothe all your senses 
It also relieve you of your pains especially during this change of weather.

Dr Komal Gandhi
Consulting Nutritionist at the other song Clinic - Care Beyond Compare

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Monday, 10 October 2016

Anxiety Disorders and Homoeopathy - An overview

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is generally a normal reaction to stress, it is a state characterized by a feeling of dread accompanied by physical (body) signs that generally indicates hyperactive functioning of the autonomic nervous system (part of the nervous system that deals with the regulation of unconscious body processes). Anxiety is an inevitable occurrence in everyone’s life, at one time or the other. For example before appearing for an examination, issues at work place, taking important decisions, relationship issues, etc. However, the condition ‘anxiety disorder’ is applicable only when it leads to distress causing interference with a person’s ability to lead a normal life. Anxiety disorders are the most common human emotional disorders that affect multitude of people across the globe.

Homoeopathy and Anxiety Disorders:

Anxiety disorders are often a source of distress to the people as they affect their daily living. They also are a cause of distress to the relatives of affected people. Modern medicine has solution only in terms of temporarily alleviating the anxiety; however there is no permanent solution for the same. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, has a solution without any side effects. A homoeopath looks into what is to be treated in a person who is suffering from anxiety, how is he dis-eased, what are the main features of his anxious state and what is his inner experience. A medicine which is tailor-made for the person is selected based on the individualistic features elicited from the person and his relatives.


1. The other song newsletter October-December 2013, Anxiety Disorders and Homoeopathy by Dr Mahesh Gandhi, Consultant and Faculty at the other song 

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Inquiry through Whats App and SMS : +91 7738322289                            

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Like us on face book @ the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare    

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Friday, 7 October 2016

Battling The Stress of Illness

By Dr. Dinesh K. Khade
B.H.M.S., C.C.A.H, F.C.A.H

This is the case of a 57-year-old-man who was suffering from psoriasis over the past 4 years. He had taken treatment from several doctors but still was not better. His entire body was almost covered up with psoriatic patches when he came to me for consultation. The skin was covered with patches of blackish discolouration which would itch, more so at night. Along with this he also had severe scaling of the skin, which is again common to psoriasis.

Before Treatment

The patient was depressed because of his skin ailment. Many people often also asked him whether he suffered from AIDS. Owing to his skin condition, many people started avoiding him at his work place. He worked at place which produced metal parts required by companies which manufactured cars.  He was under constant stress at work trying to complete work according to a committed deadline. He lived with his wife, son and daughter.

During treatment 

The skin was covered with patches of blackish discoloration whoch would itch, more so at night. Along with this he also had severe scaling of the skin, which is again common to psoriasis

After Treatment

The patient gradually started improving after starting with the homoeopathic medications and within a span of 6 months he was completely cured of his complaint as can be seen from the photographs.

Homoeopathic medicines today are made with the latest technology, all over the world and the excellent transport facilities available make it possible for us to import medicines from many countries like Switzerland, Germany and England within a few days.  The remedy selected if right can afford gradual relief, treating the patients in a short time. This however depends on how chronic and severe the condition is, but the patient starts experiencing relief soon after starting the treatment.

Dr. Dinesh K. Khade
B.H.M.S., C.C.A.H., F.C.A.H

  • Presently serving as Dy.Director-Dept. For University PG Courses at ‘the other song’ – International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy.
  • Served as consultants at Research & Accreditation Dept. of the other song Academy.
  • He is having Homoeopathic practice at Mulund Since last 14 years.
  • He is having wide experience as Academician through Homoeopathic Study Circle- an Organization conducting CMEs since 21 years.
  • Contributed as Syllabus maker for Maharashtra University of Health Sciences’ PG-Certificate & Fellowship Courses in Advanced Homoeopathy.
  • Also served as crew member for “National Campaign on Homoeopathy For Mother & Child Care” for the State of Maharashtra.
  • He more or less practices only on the basis of Periodic Table.
  • Awarded for “Best Contribution” – By the other song – International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy, Peninsula Height, C.D.Barfiwala Marg, Andheri(W),Mumbai (2013)

Lets get talking and connect face to face

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Inquiry through Whats App and SMS : +91 7738322289                            

Write to us on clinic@theothersong.com; info@theothersong.com   
Like us on face book @ the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare    

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Monday, 3 October 2016


By Dr. Arshia Khan, B.H.M.S
the other song

“We are what we Repeatedly Eat. Healthy Eating then, Is Not an Act, but a Habit”-Felicity Luckey

Healthy food habits go a long way in maintaining the inner balance of health. A healthy state reflects a glowing skin because the skin is just a reflection of our internal body. So what can we do maintain this inner balance so as to have a perfect skin? Here are some diet tips which help in good skin care.


One must make sure they consume a well-balanced diet with the right amount of calories and nutrients.
 Vitamin A - Helps regulate the skin cycle. Good food sources of vitamin A include, carrots, spinach, and broccoli.
 Vitamin E and C - They act as natural antioxidants and provide a calming effect on the skin. Common sources of vitamin c include orange, lemons, sweet lime, grapefruit and tomatoes. Sources of vitamin E include olive oil, sunflower seeds, nuts, avocados, broccoli and green leafy vegetables.
 Omega-3 fatty acids - they help inhibit certain molecules that lead to inflammation of skin. Common sources include flaxseed oil, walnut and almonds.
 And not forgetting the main element – Water make sure to consume lots of water. It helps keep the skin well hydrated and even helps flush out the various harmful toxins. Water acts as a natural cleanser for the body. Tip to make water interesting- one can add slices of fruits like apples, oranges, sweet lime, pineapple etc. along with ice cubes and then consume this delicious recipe.

Skin Tips:

It is very essential to keep the skin clean irrespective of whether one is suffering from acne or not. One must wash their face twice daily which helps remove impurities, dead skin cells and excess of oil from theskin surface. Make use of a mild soap and avoid harsh soaps which contain chemicals that can lead to skin irritation and worsen the existing complaints if any. Avoid rubbing the skin against harsh substances.

If a person is suffering from dandruff, it should be treated in time to avoid it from spreading on the facial skin. Avoid touching the acne lesions frequently since it adds to the irritation of affected skin and even causes the spread of eruptions to the nearby healthy skin. Avoid use of heavy make-ups and longtime exposure to sun.  Sleeping well too helps in alleviating the acne lesions.

Exercise well - Physical activity also helps your skin by increasing the blood circulation, which sends more oxygen to your skin cells and carries cell waste away.


Urticaria is commonly caused by various allergens present either in the surrounding environment, in the food intake, certain medicines etc. If the cause is identified, one must avoid it or take suitable treatment for the same. Viral or bacterial infections can also trigger acute urticaria attacks. It can also be caused by physical factors such as cold, heat, exercise, pressure and exposure to sunlight.


Consume foods that are healthy and beneficial to your skin. For individuals suffering from herpes make sure to consume good amount of zinc, vitamin C and bioflavonoids which help protect, nourish and strengthen the skin. It also helps in healing the affected areas quickly during breakouts like cold sores. Common sources of bioflavonoids include citrus fruits (like orange, lemons, berries, grapes), green leafy vegetables, black tea, broccoli and berry juices. Common sources of zinc include pumpkin seeds, dairy products, whole grain cereals, beans and lentils and legumes.

Make healthy eating a lifestyle, not a duty. Eat well
and remain healthy…

Dr. Arshia is practicing homoeopath, having completed my B.H.M.S studies from C.M.P Homoeopathic Medical College, Mumbai. Dr. Arshia is associated with the other song’ academy in Publication team developing content of the articles in Clinic quarterly newsletter

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Like us on face book @ the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare    

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