Dr. Rishi Vyas, M.D. (Hom)
In-house Consultant, the other song
Have you ever wondered why it is only a portion of the population which falls prey to acidity which is a lay term commonly used by many people suffering from complaints such as burning in the throat, chest or stomach?
Relation of gastric derangement and your state of mind
Stress arises from plenty of factors like situations, conflict, ego, contradiction etc. which abound in our day-to-day life. Though we routinely use the word ‘stress’, let us give a pause and think what actually is stress. Is it situational or something external? If so, how is it that a certain situation which can be extremely stressful for one person is a cake-walk for the other? The understanding of this basic difference holds the key to the real meaning of stress. The exciting factor of stress may be external, but the origin of stress lies in how we view the outside world or the situations which we term stressful. This is the reason that if 10 people are exposed to a situation, which may appear stressful for most, the experience and the reaction of all 10 individuals will be different. Every individual perceives stress according to his/her own state and reacts accordingly. The effect of stress too is different for every individual. The mind and the body work in co-ordination as has been substantiated by science and research time and again. Stress perceived at the level of mind, possibly gives rise to effects and complaints at the level of body (physical complaints). These various
complaints seen at the body level too vary from individual to individual. The complaint of acidity is one such common affection reflecting at a physical level resulting from emotional fluctuations, mostly stress. Stress is also capable of causing changes and fluctuations in the levels of hormones responsible for the hunger and satiety in the body. So, we often find people overeating or having anorexia under severe stress.
The key factors responsible for causing acidity include-
• Irregular dietary habits
• Prolonged consumption of spicy foods
• Obesity
• Smoking
• Excessive consumption of alcohol
• Emotional factors like stress, depression, mood swings, anxiety etc.
Stress: The Homoeopathic Perspective
Homoeopathy considers the individual as a whole comprising of the mind and body functioning as a single unit in harmony with each other. This is called holism, which is the bedrock principle of Homoeopathy. Stress felt at the mental level is reflected at the physical level in the form of various signs and symptoms. Every person perceives stress in a different form, according to his state and individual make-up and the effect of stress too varies accordingly, due to which every individual receives a remedy most suitable to him and his state of affections; this is called Individualism. Homoeopathy is thus based on the fundamental laws of Holism and Individualisation.
Tips on how to deal with Acidity
Regulating the life style - One must see to it that he/she tries to maintain a normal lifestyle by eating, exercising and working well, all in proportionate terms
Eating habits - One must try and inculcate healthy eating habits which go a long way in maintaining good
health and freedom from various diseases.
• Eating at regular intervals
• Consuming a wholesome and well-balanced diet containing the necessary nutrients in the right
• One must avoid foods rich in fat, spice and oil content
• Avoid eating processed food and soft drinks which contain harmful preservatives and excessive calories often leading to various health issues, major being obesity
• Avoid immediately going to bed after eating which is a common cause of acid reflux.
Exercise - One must regularly include some form of exercise in their lifestyle. Brisk walking for half an hour, five times a week alone has proved to help prevent various heart ailments. Various forms of exercise like walking, jogging, yoga, pilates, meditation can help people suffering from gastrointestinal tract affections.
De-stressing oneself - Stress is one of the major causes for most lifestyle disorders and needs to be addressed at the earliest. One must learn to de-stress themselves. De-stressing simply means relaxing the mind and body off all the stresses that one faces due to various events and situations in his/her life, calming down and experiencing peace within oneself.
Various methods of de-stressing include-
• Meditation
• Deep breathing
• Exercising - vary from individual to individual according to their preferences e.g. walk,
swimming, cycling
• Eating healthy and avoiding binge eating
• Avoid routine and inculcating new habits
• Increase the quotient of happiness by doing what you relate with so as to be happy
1. the other song – international academy of homoeopathy newsletter, September 2015
Dr. Rishi Vyas has been assisting Dr Rajan Sankaran in the charitable O.P.D. at Mumbadevi Homoeopathic Hospital, Mumbai since 2004, and also has his private practice since 2005. He is a member of Wednesdays with Rajan team, an online course for students and practitioners of Homoeopathy. He presented cases on Acutes and Fever at Beacon Foundation, Mumbai. He also had an opportunity to share his experience on case taking at Gulabrao H.M.C, Miraj and at Pachchigar Homoeopathic Medical College, Surat.
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