There bond between family members is always two ways. For better or worse, when one is affected, the others are bound to be affected.
Living alone isn’t something that comes to humans naturally. Humans then started forming groups, societies and communities. One such human organization is 'the family'. Family is the fundamental unit in any community around the globe. It functions collectively, each one having a duty to fulfill and each one working in co-ordination with the other to fulfill the duties. Harmonious functioning of the entire family depends upon the healthy and harmonious functioning of each family member. This is possible if we know each other well. In order to know each other, we need to know ourselves well. We should know and be able to listen to the other song that plays within us
Illness is the result of altered state of reality, not being able to see the things as they are. Homoeopathy helps change one’s perception, shifts one’s view from an altered state of reality to seeing things as they are. When this happens, one experiences health. Each one of us has the other song playing within us. When we become aware of the other song playing within us, it is easy to deal with stress and conflicts within ourselves and also externally with people.
Homoeopathy can thus provide lasting health to all the members of a family by helping each understanding the gaps in the perception of the individual as well as the family. It is not uncommon for homoeopathic doctors to receive an entire family for treatment. The physician will thus understand the other song playing in each family member and the dynamics within the family. This gives the physician a better vantage point for treatment.
Remember that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link and each link must be as strong as the other.
For more details refer to the main article on sensation method and the other song
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