Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Homoeopathic Treatment of Psoriasis and Warts

       A wart is a small, rough growth resembling a cauliflower or a solid blister. It typically occurs on human hands or feet and often in other locations. Warts are caused by a viral infection, specifically by one of the many types of human papillomavirus (HPV). There are as many as 10 varieties of warts, the most common considered to be mostly harmless. It is possible to get warts from others; they are contagious and usually enter the body in an area of broken skin. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can reoccur.

       Psoriasis means an ‘itching condition’, which is a common, chronic relapsing immune-mediated skin disease characterized by red, scaly patches, papules, and plaques, which usually itch. The skin lesions seen in psoriasis may vary in severity from minor localized patches to lesions spread widely over the body. The disease affects 2–4% of the general population. Homoeopathy has excellent scope in both the above conditions and the below case summary is just an example which speaks loud of the scope of our medicines.

       A 23-year-old male patient was consulted at ‘the other song’ by Dr. Sujit Chatterjee, Consultant and Faculty at the institute, on the 3rd June, 2013. His complaint started in childhood. He had multiple warts on the back of hands and feet. He also had psoriasis all over the body and had already taken multiple steroids for the same. He had intense scaling of the lesions. His lesions would increase in summer. The scaling would lead to contraction of his limbs which would eventually stiffen the whole body. He was unable to get out of his house due to this. Any change of weather caused an infection of his skin lesions, which would then ooze pus. With this he often got fever. Thus, he was having recurrent fever and infections over the past many years. As a result of all this, he often ended up missing many days at school and college with a detrimental effect on his studies and consequently later on his work life as well.

       In Homoeopathy, it is important to inquire about all the aspects of a patient’s life. In this way the practitioner is able to come to an understanding of the commonality of symptoms, that is the symptoms that are a part of the patient, physically and mentally with his chief complaint and tendencies at the center of the understanding of him as a person. A homoeopathic remedy is then selected based on the common thread.

       In the case-taking, it came up that the patient was conscious of his appearance and felt dirty and disgusted about himself. He felt he is being looked down upon by people. He felt rejected by society owing to his appearance and condition. He felt that his family too didn’t approve of him and so always felt a deep sense of isolation. Therefore he avoided social gatherings, meetings and crowded places. He spent days in the house, all by himself not showing up anywhere. On the basis of this understanding of the patient’s physical tendencies and the mental common thread of him feeling looked down upon, rejected and isolated, he was prescribed a remedy, which would take care of all his symptoms and treat him as a person.

       After the administration of the remedy, the patient reported a gradual and a progressive improvement. The scaling stopped and the lesions started clearing up. He did not have any episode of fever thereafter. All his warts fell off one by one and he was free of all the lesions within a year of being given the medicine.

       The patient was very happy with and grateful for the changes in him that he observed overall after the treatment. He started moving out of the house. He now pays a visit to his family once a month. He has started socializing with friends and colleagues again. He no longer feels rejected.

By Dr. Sujit Chatterjee

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Homoeopathic Treatment of Eczema

       Eczema also known as dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. It is characterized by itchy, erythematous, vesicular, weeping, and crusting patches.

       The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes that are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin swelling, itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Discoloration may appear in areas of temporary skin which can be due to healed injuries. Scratching open a healing lesion may result in scarring and may enlarge the rash.

       A forty year old female patient was consulted by Dr. Devang Shah in January 2008. She developed eczema in her both hands.

       She suffered from intense itching in the hands which got aggravated in the winters. Her complaints intensified on washing clothes or utensils and eating sour food. Her pain was as though salt were applied parts cut with knife. Her complaints started two years after her marriage and she had been living with it for the past fourteen years. According to her, all systems of medicines had failed to relieve her agony, and homoeopathy seemed to be her last ray of hope. Patient was in a state of despair when she came for her consultancy.

January 2008

       In homoeopathic practice it is important to inquire into all the aspects of a patient’s life. In this way the practitioner is able to come to an understanding of the commonality of symptoms. This commonality should of course include the patient’s chief complaint. On the completion of the case taking a homoeopathic remedy is then selected based on the common thread.

       While receiving the patient’s history, she described herself to be a sensitive person, who is easily affected by trifles. Witnessing quarrel causes the patient to tremble and sometimes faint. She is also sensitive to criticism and desires good opinion from others. The patient was married in a joint family, and the increased work load caused a lot of stress in her. She found it difficult coping up with the responsibilities of the family.

       On the basis of the patient’s history, her stress factor, pathology and temperament, a well selected homoeopathic remedy was given.

Follow up:

       The patient showed a dramatic response to the medicine. Within the first 2 months the cracks in her hands had disappeared. In the following 2 months, the itching was gone. By the end of 1 year, she was free from all her eruptions.

       Mentally she found herself much more happy, sorted and confident. She was no longer affected by quarrels and criticism. She did not have any episode of trembling and fainting. She feels she has found her way to cope up with stress and her outlook towards life has changed to become more positive and live healthy.

February 2009 


Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Homoeopathic Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia


       The trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve) is responsible for sensation in the face and certain motor functions such as biting and chewing. It is the largest of all the nerves arising from our brain (cranial nerves)

       Trigeminal neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as Fothergill’s disease is a neuropathy, a disorder characterized by episodes of intense pain in the face, originating from the trigeminal nerve. It has been described as one of the most painful conditions known to man.

Signs & symptoms

       This disorder is characterized by episodes of intense facial pain that last from a few seconds to several minutes or hours. The episodes of intense pain may occur in paroxysms. To describe the pain sensation, patients may describe a trigger area on the face so sensitive that touching or even air currents can trigger an episode; however, in many patients the pain is generated spontaneously without any apparent stimulation.

       Trigeminal neuralgia affects lifestyle as it can be triggered by common activities such as eating, talking, shaving and brushing teeth. Windy climates, high pitched sounds, loud noises such as concerts or crowds, chewing, and talking can aggravate the condition in many patients. The patients often experience the pain during the attacks as stabbing, electric-shock like, burning, pressing, crushing, exploding or shooting pain that becomes intractable.

Case of trigeminal neuralgia treated at the other song

       A 47-year old male patient was offered consultation at ‘the other song’ by Dr. Pratik Desai on the 17th October, 2013. The MRI report dated 22nd Jan 2010 showed avascular loop at the exiting zone of the right trigeminal nerve with loss of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) space between the nerve and the loop.

      Patient complained of right facial pain which was paroxysmal in nature along with watering from the eyes. The pain increased on talking, exposure to cold air, riding on a vehicle, while eating, shaving or brushing his teeth. The intensity of pain was so high that the patient could not bear to even touch his mustache. He described the pain as an ‘electric spark’. He felt as though the part was pulled or caught by something. The condition not only hampered his day-to-day living but also caused lot of anger and irritation. The patient was advised surgery and he was extremely scared to undergo one. He was on a medicine named Tegratol to help reduce the pain.

      The case taking process revealed that the saddest incidence of his life was the demise of his mother, who loved and took care of the whole family. He was reserved by nature and a family oriented man. He worked for the railways as a gate man and his work involved opening and closing the tracks for the trains. He was not inclined to take up added responsibilities and was contented with his current profile as it does not involve much exertion.

       On the basis of our case-taking and the patient’s history a homoeopathic remedy which covered all the important symptoms of the patient was prescribed.

Follow up – 17th June, 2014

       The pain had disappeared since 4 months. He was able to perform his daily chores like brushing, washing face, shaving, eating and talking without any difficulty. The patient did not have to undergo any kind or surgery. He was happy and content like earlier, his anger and irritation having resolved with the disappearance of pain. He felt at ease and slept well. Overall, he felt 90% better. Tablet Tegratol was also discontinued.

      The MRI investigation, given below dated – 4th June, 2014, also confirmed his improvement.

By Dr. Pratik Desai

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Homoeopathic Treatment of Thyroid Cancer

The Thyroid Gland

       The thyroid gland is situated at the base of the neck between the sternum and Adam’s apple. It is composed of two lobes that resemble butterfly wings which are connected by a small strand of tissue called the isthmus.

Function of the Thyroid Gland

       There are two main types of cells in the thyroid gland. Both of these types of cells are responsible for the production of hormones that either help regulate metabolism or control the concentration of calcium in the blood.

       Follicle cells present in the gland create the two main thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) along with thyroglobulin. This is a protein necessary for the storage and production of thyroid hormones. Parafollicular cells (also known as C-cells) produce thyrocalcitonin, a hormone that regulates calcium levels in the blood.

Thyroid Cancer

       Different types of cancers can occur in each of these cell lines. The prognosis for the patient very much depends on the type of cancer. The most common thyroid tumors can often be surgically removed with fairly satisfactory results. With more aggressive cancers surgical removal and post operative treatments can cause serious complications.

Common symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

       As the thyroid tissue grows, one or more small swellings or nodules may develop within the gland. These may be solid or fluid-filled and can be typically benign, causing no symptoms. However, five percent of these nodules are cancerous and can sometimes grow rapidly. This can potentially result in symptoms such as hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and challenges in respiration as the nodule expands.The patient can also have painful swallowing or neck discomfort that spreads up the jaw and into the ears. There can be lymph node enlargement in the neck, around the jaw, ears, and under the collarbone.


       A 56-year-old man consulted Dr. Sujit Chatterjee, a Senior Consultant and Faculty, in August 2013 at our clinic ‘the other song’. The patient was diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid gland. The ultrasound report dated July 2013 showed enlargement of the thyroid gland (6.8x 2.8x 2.6 cm) and the isthmus; the nodule being suggestive of a diffuse thyroid disease. A few right cervical lymph nodes were also noted in the report.

       In Homoeopathy it is important to explore the patient’s medical, psychological and social history through a skillful case-taking which reveals his tendencies and the most characteristic symptoms. The medicine which corresponds to the patient’s characteristic symptoms is then prescribed.

       With this current patient, the case taking revealed that the main issues for this man were ones of intense fear of cancer with fear of dying from the disease. There was also a strong family history of cancer. The patient also had marked anxiety about the welfare of his family.

       The death of the patient’s older brother came as a shock to the patient and he experienced that suddenly the responsibility of the entire family was on his shoulders, which he found too much to handle. When the patient was diagnosed of cancer, it was again a great shock to him and again he was worried about who would take up the responsibility of looking after his family.

       He loves the greenery, the peace and the farms of the village. He dislikes the city life of Mumbai, however he continues to live in Mumbai only because of his job. By nature the patient is an irritable person, who gets angry very easily when he is contradicted. He is fastidious about cleanliness and cannot tolerate dirt.

       These symptoms given by the patient were carefully studied and he was given a medicine matching his experience of shock, intense responsibility, easy anger and fastidiousness, which would act on his cancer.

       On the basis of our case taking, the patient’s history, dreams, stresses and diagnosis a homoeopathic remedy was prescribed. This covered the entire totality of the patient. The totality means simply the entire picture of the patient.

       Because of the choice of remedy the treatment was successful. The patient did not have to undergo any kind or surgery or chemotherapy. The cancer was treated by homeopathic remedies alone.

Follow up

       The patient plan was that he would be followed up weekly and later monthly. His progress was monitored closely by the resident doctor and the consulting homoeopath. There was gradual, persistent and significant decrease in the size of the gland, nodules and the lymph nodes.
     The ultrasound report of April 2014 revealed no evidence of any cystic swelling or nodule and no enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

     Some inflammation of the thyroid gland, with no remaining cancer

     The patient was not only symptomatically better, but also experienced a state of well being. His initial complaints such as fear, persistent weight loss and loss of appetite disappeared after the treatment. He is psychologically much more relaxed and happy. There was also a marked change in his temperament and irritability from when he had first come for consultation. Thus a homoeopathic remedy selected after a careful case-taking not only treats the main complaint, but it brings about an overall change, helping the person experience general well-being.

By Dr. Sujit Chatterjee
Senior Consultant and Faculty, the other song – International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Homoeopathic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

       RA is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic,systemic inflammatory disorder. Many tissues and organs in the body can be affected. The disease principally attacks the synovial lining of joints. It may develop into a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated. It is a chronic disease, characterized by periods of disease flares and remissions. It can affect people of all ages. The rheumatoid factor is an antibody that can be found in the blood of 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Signs & symptoms

       RA typically manifests with signs of inflammation; the affected joints become swollen, warm, painful and stiff. Symptoms can also develop after prolonged inactivity. One of the prominent features of the disease is an increased stiffness in the body that is often experienced by the patient early in the morning or on waking. This stiffness can last for more than an hour. In rheumatoid arthritis, multiple joints are usually, but not always, affected in a symmetrical pattern.

       Constitutional symptoms include fatigue, low grade fever,malaise, morning stiffness and loss of appetite. Weight loss can also be a problem for the patient. The above symptoms are common systemic manifestations seen in patients with active RA.


       A 51-yr-old female received a consultation at the clinic at ‘the other song’ by Dr. Shekhar Algundi, a homoeopathic consultant in December 2012. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Her main complaints were pain with stiffness in the joints and muscles. She also complained of acidity & sinusitis.

       The illness was having a major effect on her day to day activities such as combing her hair and brushing her teeth. She was unable to perform simple chores in the house. There was great restriction in her movement and she needed to depend on others to complete daily errands such as shopping and visits to her doctor. She lost the confidence in travelling by train. For her there was a fear about whether she would be able to get inside the train as her body had restricted movement. Ascending and descending a staircase also created difficulty for her.

       She was also experiencing perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flushes followed by profuse perspiration. For the patient these two symptoms created a feeling of exhaustion. In homoeopathic practice it is important to inquire into all the aspects of a patient’s life. In this way the practitioner is able to come to an understanding of the commonality of symptoms. This commonality should of course include the patient’s chief complaint. On the completion of the case taking a homoeopathic remedy is then selected based on the common thread.

       The main effect of the RA on our patient was that she was not able to do her work and lacked strength. She had little confidence when leaving the house and thought that she may fall. The patient was afraid that she would become handicapped and dependent on others. Her thoughts dwelt on the possibility that there will be no one to look after her, and that she will be all alone. The patient’s aunt who also has RA is totally bed ridden. The patient’s thoughts go to this situation and she is anxious that she will end up like this.

       Her main anxiety in fact started when her parents became sick which was 8 yrs back. She was all alone in that situation and needed to look after them: at that time she felt that it was her duty and responsibility. There was another situation where she felt responsible for the care of a aunt. After her aunt’s death, she was falsely accused by her relatives concerning a financial issue. These were some of the triggering factor for her illness.

       On the basis of the patient’s history, the contributing factors and the pathology of the disease itself a homoeopathic remedy was selected. The remedy covered the entire totality of the patient.

       In 1 ½ years her progress was closely monitored both clinically and symptomatically

       Investigations were carried out at regular intervals. There was progressive decrease in the RA factor.

Follow up after 6 months:

       The patient was much improved in terms of her joint pains and range of movement. The tendency to stiffness was less noticeable to her. There was a marked improvement in the right hand and small joints of the body. However a slight pain in her elbow remained.

       The sinus problem disappeared within 6 months of initiation of treatment.More specifically the swelling in the elbows had decreased and stiffness in her fingers was no longer present. Overall the progress in the lower limbs had shown improvement and there was a reduction of the pain levels.
The patient seemed to have recovered from her earlier symptoms such as acidity. She started to experience sound sleep at night.

       She continues to feel the heat in the body which is followed by profuse perspiration, but the degree of exhaustion post the episode is less according to the patient.

       Psychologically she began feeling much more calm and relaxed: her anger and irritability decreased. Generally her stamina and strength have been restored and she performs tasks with much more ease and comfort.

       She feels that her health and well being have improved overall by 70%.

By Dr Shekhar Algundi

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Monday, 15 February 2016

Elixir for the mind, body and soul

       In the previous article, ‘Individualism and Homoeopathy’ we saw how every person in health and in disease is unique. We understood how in homoeopathy we focus on uniqueness of each disease which is different for each individual. Depending on that a specific remedy suitable to that person, is selected. Hence people suffering from the same disease don’t necessarily require the same remedy.

       Today in the medical system, the main focus is to treat the specific disease rather than the person suffering from the disease. For example a person suffering from joint pains is labelled arthritic after inquiring about the joints and every person suffering from arthritis is given the same medicine. In short, the disease is considered to be affection of a part, separate from the rest of the healthy body.

Plato had written almost 2,400 years ago:

       “As you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you to attempt to cure the body without the soul; and this is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Greece, because the part can never be well unless the whole is well.”

       According to WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of a disease or infirmity”.

       Holism is a philosophy which believes complete healing occurs only when the whole person is healed at the level of the mind, body and spirit rather than treating only the specific illness. 
       Disharmony at the level of mind, body or spirit leads to a disease. The belief is that the disharmony at any of these levels affects the whole person and not just the particular part of the body.

       In Homoeopathy, Dr Boeninghausen gave the theory of ‘Grand Generalization’ which says ‘What is true for a part, is true for the whole.’

       When a patient comes to a homoeopath with a particular disease, the homoeopath tries to understand the problem at all the three levels. He inquires in depth about the chief complaint – understanding the exact location, all the sensations experienced, aggravating and ameliorating factors and other modalities. He also inquires about the nature of the person in detail- how he feels about his disease, his childhood, his likes and dislikes, his food cravings, perspiration, thirst, his sleep, his dreams, his family environment, his job or any other detail which is important and specific to the patient and which helps to individualize him. A specific remedy which is suitable to the patient, covering his problems at all levels, is selected and prescribed. Once the patient is given the correct remedy he will not only improve in his chief complaint but overall feel a general sense of well-being in every other sphere of his life. The medicines help correct the underlying imbalance that triggered the problem and helps stimulate the body’s natural ability to self-heal.

       Dr. Sujit Chatterji had a case of a 57-year-old lady, who was in a very bad state and was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis since a long time before she approached him. The severe pain caused inability to work efficiently and one of her main fears always was that she would be abandoned by her family, unless she was capable of working. She felt she would be treated as a recluse. After studying her case and the various facets to her nature, she was prescribed a homoeopathic remedy from the mineral kingdom, Gallium Metallicum. Within days after prescribing the above remedy her pain completely went away. The confidence level improved markedly. Her fear of being treated as a recluse too improved. The depressive state through which the patient was suffering too improved simultaneously. This is an ideal example where we see, Homoeopathy treating not only the complaint, but the person as a whole.


World Health Organization

Newsletter- Case studies of Arthritis-case of rheumatoid arthritis by Dr. Sujit Chatterjee

By Dr. Sujit Chatterjee 

For more click on

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the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Homoeopathy - The tailor made approach for your illness

       In the last article we learnt how homoeopathy was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who in spite of hardships laid the foundation of a new system of medicine. We also learnt about the fundamental principle on which homoeopathy is based; the 'Law of Similars' which means 'Like cures Like'. We saw the example of coffee which causes sleeplessness in many of us because the mind becomes overactive and we saw how Coffea remedy (prepared from coffee plant) is used to treat over activity of mind leading to sleeplessness.

       All of us are structurally similar but yet aren’t we all very different and unique?

       No two people are exactly alike. Each one of us has different trigger points, sensitivities, hobbies, built, expressions, sleeping patterns, susceptibilities etc. These are the different things that individualize each one of us.

       As there is individuality in health, there is individuality in disease too. No two people react alike in sickness, even if they suffer from the same complaint. Have you noticed that two people suffering from a cold have different symptoms for example one may have a running nose which is worse on waking with whitish discharges whereas the other could be worse at night with yellowish discharges; not only that one could have developed a cold after eating ice-creams whereas the other could have developed it after getting wet in the rain. Hence it is obviously that even every disease on all level affects each individual differently and specifically depending on the individual. Does it not imply then that every medicine should also be specific and no two people suffering from the same disease require the same medicine?

       Homoeopathy does not treat the disease; it treats the person suffering from the disease.

       In Homoeopathy, every disease is understood in two aspects; common and uncommon/peculiar symptoms.

       The common symptoms are the ones which every person suffering from that disease suffers for example in migraine, headache is a common symptom or in a heart complaint, chest pain is common. These common symptoms help us to diagnose the disease.

       On the other hand the uncommon or peculiar symptoms are the symptoms which differentiate every person suffering from the same disease. It is the individual response of the person to the particular disease for example a person having a migraines complains of bursting type of headaches particularly in the afternoon accompanied by a strong desire for cold drinks. These are the symptoms which help to individualize a patient and help in selecting a specific remedy for him. In clinical practice it is usually these ‘differences’ which help to select a remedy.

       Homoeopathy is not only individualistic but it is also holistic. The disease is not considered as separate entity from the body but as a part of it. To know more stay tuned to the upcoming article ‘Holism and Homeopathy’……


1. Hpathy
2. Myhomeopathic
3. Natural kingdoms healing with homoeopathy- br Dr. RajanSankaran

By Dr. Rajan Sankaran 

What is Homoeopathy?

       ‘Health is Wealth and Health is Happiness.’ Everyone who is sick wants to be healthy and disease free. Have you ever wondered what health and disease really is? According to WHO, ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ Disease comes from the word ‘dis-ease’ meaning being not at ease. This ‘dis-ease’ can be experienced at all levels, emotionally, mentally, physically and generally. So it will not be wrong to say that when a person is at ease in every aspect of his life, will he be truly healthy.

       Over the years, different systems of medicine have developed and are used in the treatment of diseases; the common ones being Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy and Homoeopathy. Each of these systems operates on different principles which govern it. Some of these systems of medicine base their treatment on purely relieving the symptoms rather than addressing it holistically at all levels. The medicine and the disease have no connection with each other. Each person suffering from the same disease receives the same medicine. Some of the other systems of medicine including Homoeopathy believe in approaching the disease holistically. In Homoeopathy the disease is not seen as being separate from the person but a part of him as a whole. The body, mind and spirit are considered one and the disease is approached and understood on all levels before a particular medicine which is specific for the person is given. After all, isn’t that the modern definition of ‘health’ – to consider all aspects of individual and to balance them in order to restore complete state of health?

       Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which was founded by the pioneering German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).The basic principle which individualizes Homoeopathy from other systems of medicine is the Law of Similars: “SimiliaSimilibusCurenter’ which means ‘Like cures like’. Though Dr. Hahnemann used this concept in the 18th century, the origins of this concept can be traced right to the beginning of the era of medicine; back to the time of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-370 BC). There is a very famous Greek quote by Hippocrates: “Omoia Omoiois Eisin Iamata” which means “Similars cure Similars”. In the ancient tradition of Greece the ‘Law of Similars’ was known and used in many mystic schools of Greece. Although it was a known concept right from the beginning, it was Dr. Hahnemann who experimented and studied extensively on this principle and gave it a scientific structure. This is the principle which laid the foundation for what we know as homoeopathy today.

       Born in Germany, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann began his journey in the medical field as an allopath. He studied medicine and attained the degree of M.D. in 1779. After practicing in various places for several years he moved to Leipzig in 1789. Though he was a successful practitioner he was not happy with the method of treatment being used. In those days, very unscientific, crude, inhuman and you could even say barbaric methods were being used to treat patients. Patients were purged and sweated, bled and branded. Hahnemann was extremely dissatisfied with these methods and in utter disgust he gave up his medical practice. He was always a believer that the cure must take place in the gentlest way possible. He continued to study and experiment in an effort to evolve a more rational method of treatment. During this time,he was translating William Cullen’s Lectures on the Materia Medica into German, and he came across a line which said that Malaria was cured by the bark of a tree called Cinchona. A curiosity arose in him and he needed to find out more so he began his experiments. He himself took some Cinchona and to his surprise he noticed that he developed chill and fever, a condition very much similar to Malaria! When he used the same Cinchona on a patient suffering from Malaria, it cured him. Amazed by this finding, he did many more experiments with other plants. All these experiments led him to assert the theory that “likes are cured by likes,” i.e., diseases are cured (or should be treated) by those drugs that produce in healthy people,similar symptoms of the diseases.

       Since any new concept or idea is not accepted easily by people, Dr. Hahnemann faced a lot of challenges and oppositions from the different schools of medicine but in spite of that he continued to work tirelessly. All the people who have been pioneers in some particular branch of science have had to face very harsh unfavorable circumstances and in spite these obstacles they have dared to be different. Dr. Hahnemann was one such inspiration. An entire science based on nature’s laws developed around it which is why Homoeopathy is not only logical but also scientific.

       This law has since then been applied to innumerable cases with remarkable results. To give an example, at the other song we recently saw a patient having lot of activity of thoughts, restlessness and sleeplessness. He had a very active imagination which would not cease even when lying in bed making him sleepless. He was given Coffea Cruda, a remedy prepared from the coffee plant and there were positive results in his state in just 10 days.

        Isn’t this strange? Coffee is known to produce the precise state of restlessness, sleeplessness and active thoughts and imagination. When we have to work long hours or burn the night lamp, who does not resort to a cup of coffee to clear up the grogginess and help rejuvenate our mind? The way Coffee was successfully used for the patient reinstates the Law of Similars. The medicine is given in minimum doses, in extreme dilution after being potentized so that it stimulates the body to help activate its system which will fight off the disease and bring about harmony.

       The symptoms of restless, sleeplessness and an active imagination are also found in other remedies like China, Phosphorus, Stramonium etc. So the choice of a remedy for an individual depends on the uniqueness of the individual. To know more about this, read the upcoming article “Individualism in Homoeopathy” in the next issue.

Hpathy- Organon and Philosophy
World Health Organization (WHO)- definitions of health and disease
Newsletter –About Homoeopathy

By Dr. Mumuksha Gandhi

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                      
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane,
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                  

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