International Day for Persons With Disabilities
Being born with a disability is like learning to deal with challenges from the time you are born. Developing disabilities during the life time when you have had none is none the less difficult.
About Disabilities
1. 15%
of the world population lives with disabilities.
2. 80%
of them live in developing countries.
3. Poor
education and socioeconomic status are major factors affecting persons with
What can be done about it?
1. Identifying
the disabilities.
2. Accepting
the people with the disabilities.
3. Working
towards helping them to live normal lives.
4. Helping
them identify the hidden potential within them. This will not only lift their
morale but also help the society at large.
How can a society deal with this situation?
1. Accepting
the situation is the first step towards betterment.
2. Financial
help is always beneficial but what is more beneficial is to find suitable work for
them so that they can earn and live with dignity.
3. Promoting
entrepreneurship programs for differently abled people.
4. Treating
them with equality.
What can homoeopathy offer to differently abled
1. Differently
abled people often experience psychological distress at various levels, at
times due to their disabilities and at times due to a negative outlook of the
society and family. Homoeopathy can help change their outlook towards life.
2. There
are some disabilities like learning disabilities where homoeopathy has a
definite role to play.
Differently abled people aren’t “apart” from us but
they are “a part” of us
Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.
the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane,
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India
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