Friday, 20 November 2015

Know Your Heart, Don't Let It Fall Apart

           The heart is about the size of fist and weighs about 300 grams in an adult. But the amount of money spent on treatment weighs a lot more heavily on individual finance and lifestyle. 

Heart disease fact sheet

1. About 17.5 million die of heart diseases every year. This amounts to 31% of the total deaths occurring in the world.
2. More than 75% heart disease related deaths occur in lower income and middle income countries.
3. 80% of heart illness related deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes.
          The figures are large and thus there is a lot that needs to be known and prevented as well. The best way to know about the heart is by listening to a person who is closely related to the heart. A cardiologist garners knowledge that is in depth and always keeps updating himself with the latest advances in the field of cardiology. A cardiologist sees thousands of patients suffering from heart illness and has an edge over others in this field. 

Here is an opportunity for all to know about your heart. 

The topic will be HEART ATTACK

Day - Sunday
Date – 22/11/2015
Venue - 'the other song' 7 floor, 701 Peninsula Heights, C.D. Burfiwala Marg,
Juhu Lane, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058.
Timing – 9:30 am – 12 pm 
Registration fees - Rs 200
Speaker – DR. ROHIT MODY 

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

From Smoking To Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease - Treating It From Where It Begins

Projected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has seen an increasing trend both in terms of the number of people affected by it and number of people dying due to this illness. Most of the deaths are from the middle and lower income countries. The incidence of the illness has increased in women which now equals to that seen in men due increasing use of tobacco. It is thus a cause of concern.
Smoking remains a primary cause of COPD. Asking the patient to quit smoking is an important part of treatment. But it is equally important to understand why the patient started smoking. Depression, anxiety, substance dependence and personality issues need consideration. A person may start smoking following a financial loss or perhaps if he is heart-broken. Smoking can start as an experiment in teen age and then it may become a habit.

The benefits of taking Homoeopathy for COPD

A person must be known in entirety if you need to heal her/him. A homoeopath will first know the patient. The personality and pattern of behavior is identified along with the physical problems. This lays the foundation for a transformative treatment which not only aims at healing COPD but also at the underlying cause of illness.  


Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                     
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    

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Sunday, 15 November 2015

Dealing with DIABETES MELLITUS – an illness beyond medicines

            We deal with a plethora of stresses in life. The stress of suffering from diabetes is one of them. The stress can start mounting the minute one is pricked for blood collection. The interesting part here is how each one of us responds to a high blood sugar level. One of us would “ok” the verdict. It means that it has been accepted at the level of facts. On the other hand we have someone question the credibility of the laboratory suspect that the reporting was wrong. Here, it is one’s belief that questions the facts. We may also have an individual who would deny any existence of this illness. This individual is dealing with the illness in an emotion oriented manner. This is but one part of the illness. There are various issues like socioeconomic stature, food habits and fads and belief system to be considered when dealing with diabetes. It is therefore important to attend to this illness in a holistic way.
            Do we need medicines to deal with diabetes? The answer is yes. But do we need only medicines to deal with diabetes? The answer is NO! Medical treatment is one aspect of the many things which are needed to treat diabetes.

An illness beyond medicine-

It is not about what not to eat. It is about what is the right thing to eat. One need not starve oneself to lower the blood sugar. Instead one can have nutritious food while making sure that the blood sugar levels are in the required range.

Exercise not only helps in burning excessive calories but keeps the mind and body in a healthy state.

Meditation is a good way to keep calm. Health is at its best when one learns to keep calm even in a chaotic situation.

Improving coping skills to face diabetes
Coping or dealing with the illness is as important as the other aspects of treatment. Stress of illness can be managed efficiently with positive coping skills.  

Role of homoeopathy
Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicines which works on the principle of treating the individual in a holistic manner. An individual is considered in totality which means his illness too is a part of the treatment. It has thus a lot to offer in the treatment of diabetes mellitus not only in terms of lowering blood sugar and maintaining it but also helping the individual transform such that he/she become well equipped to deal with the illness .

Let’s get talking and let us connect on one to one basis.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                                                 

1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.Burfiwala Marg, 

Juhu Lane, Andheri West, 

Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

A tribute to The Children of God

So what if I lost my support before I learnt how to stand, I learned to walk on my own and played my own band.

Look at me not with sympathy for I may look impoverished but I am not poor, nothing is difficult in life when one learns the art of living, eating and sleeping next to the sewer.

Metamorphosis has always been painful for everyone-be it the butterfly or the orphaned, the world beyond change has lots to offer, don’t feel forsaken.

I may be a fraction of my circumstance for I have built myself from what I made from the experience in life, empowering myself first and then guiding others to deal with abandonment and strife.

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                  


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Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Ozone - All there is between you and UV...

“There is an intricate link between nature and us. For better or worse, changes in one will affect the other.”

            From horse carts to limousines, we have seen it all. The advent in technology has amazed this planet as much as the many challenges it faces for now and will face in the times to come. One of these many challenges is ozone depletion.
Imagine roaming around with your family in your favorite holiday destinations all covered up from head to toe out of the fear of sun burns, developing an early cataract, suppression of immunity and last but not the least, skin cancer! Well, imagining itself won’t do much good to us, understanding and doing something about it will. It is about time that we did.
       The UN General Assembly had declared 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer in the year 1994, honoring the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in the year 1987 (resolution 49/114).
         16th September 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, an important milestone in the protection of the ozone layer. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has come up with an apt theme to commemorate the anniversary and this year’s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

“Ozone: All there is between you and UV.”“30 years of healing the ozone together.”

Is there a need to be aware of ozone depletion?The answer is YES!

Here is what an unprotected exposure to UV light can do to your health 
1.      Skin cancers
2.      Sunburns and
3.      Premature aging of the skin
4.      Early cataract
5.      Suppression of some aspects of immunity

       The ozone layer is all that is between “you and UV”. This is just a fragment of what can happen to us without our ozone layer. When the effect is considered in totality, it affects the entire eco system. Marine life, agriculture and forests get affected. Even man made materials like plastic, rubber and fabric can get degraded by UV rays.
       So let us act now so that we won’t regret later. Let us unite and make an honest effort to prevent the ozone layer from depletion. Pool a car if you have a common destination, use the stairs and spare the lift once in a while, turn off lights and fans when not in use, minimize the use of air conditioners, minimize the use of foam based cushions and mattresses.#preserveozonelayer #savenature #saveourselves


Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,                                                         
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.BurfiwalaMarg, Juhu Lane, 
Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India                                                                                                                    


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Monday, 2 November 2015

Suicide is not the answer

“Committing suicide may end the life of those who commit it, but leaves behind an unending trail of misery for their family members.” - Adapted 


World Suicide Prevention Day
Date: September 10th
Initiated by: International Association for Suicide Prevention 

Some Facts about suicide
  1.       An estimated 800000 people around the globe perish by suicide each year and the figure is          estimated to reach 1.5 million by 2020.
  2.      .     It is the 10th leading cause of death globally as of 2008/9.
  3.             Male suicide rate is higher than females.
  4.             Commonest illness leading to suicide is Depression
  5.             Those who attempt suicide once will attempt it again and the successive attempts are more         likely to be fatal.

What to do when you have the thought of harming yourself?
  1.            Share it with your near and dear ones.
  2.            Never let yourself alone, always keep company
  3.            Avoid drugs and alcohol as they may worsen suicidal thoughts
  4.           Take professional help to improve the methods of dealing with the problem at hand

Homoeopathic medicines can offer an earnest relief to patients suffering from suicidal thoughts, and depression. The treatment starts with detailed enquiry into the persona of the individual and effects of the illness on her/him. The patient is then given the remedy best suited to him in totality. The resultant is lasting relief from the complaints and a reformed outlook towards life.
And remember, “Life has a lot more to it than an end.”

  1.        .
  2.       .
  3.      .    20033954
Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.
the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare, 1001, Peninsula Heights, C. D. Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India
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"the other song" - Experiencing excellence in homoeopathic treatment

At the “the other song” we synergize – treating, teaching and transforming as we believe in empathetic and holistic care at the core supplemented by our mission to spread the highest ideal of training to students by hands-on training so that they can help benefit numerous others by this knowledge. We hereby aim to practice and continue spreading the best possible homoeopathic and holistic care.
About the other song
Launched on 1st July, 2011, the other song has successfully completed four years as an institute, and headed by Dr. Rajan Sankaran, with the relentless and unconditional support from his team of over 35 colleagues, the other song has been a centre for healing and learning, both under the same roof. What is more important is to ensure that our patients avail of the best possible care, the team at the institute keep themselves abreast of the latest  advances in the field of medicine, homoeopathy, yoga, diet, meditation, physiotherapy and counseling and recommend each as per the health seeker’s needs.
What sets the other song apart?
Individualization and holistic care lie at the heart of homoeopathic care, i.e. a homoeopath always perseveres at finding a complete and a tailor made health solution for an individual. This mode of treatment always emphasizes more on inner cure, rather than a mere treatment of the symptoms and the medicine is selected for the individual rather than a disease. Hence, a homoeopathic physician always quests to find out what sets an individual apart and what defines him as a person and bases his prescription on the same, for best results.
While every homoeopath has his own means of individualizing his patient, we at the other song follow the unique ‘Sensation Approach’, discovered by our head, Dr. Rajan Sankaran.

Sensation Approach at the other song
“The sensation method is about going beyond facts and touching the hitherto unfathomed depths of our being.”
What is it that makes each one of us who we are?
What is it that makes each of us feel, perceive, experience, and act in our own unique manner?
What is the real cause of the stress in your life?
These interesting questions are vital to an individual’s understanding of his persona. All of us seek peace in the form of harmony, contentment, happiness, joy, health, serenity, balance. Peace denotes the absence of conflict, of the turmoil and stress that conflict brings. We seldom experience peace in our lives. Although we know that fulfillment lies in sustaining this state of harmony; conflict all too often and too readily recurs and peace is lost. The resultant stress, which is an inherent part of our life, affects our health, our relationships and our work space. In short it affects the way we feel and act.
In our attempt to reduce stress levels, we indulge in various strategies that come naturally to us. The most common one is to try and change the external situation out of the belief that the cause of our stress lies there. For example, if our stress is about money, we try to earn more and generate new avenues of income. When stress arises in relationships, we try to manipulate the other person or end the relationship itself. We hope to find in someone else a stress – free relationship. When stress takes its toll on our health, we adopt different techniques and therapeutic modalities to deal with it.
All these measures help relieve the stress, though the results from most are very short-lived. The main reason why they are so is because they aim at external reality which we attempt to avoid, escape or rearrange. This rearranging of external circumstances is like attempting to straighten your shadow while you yourself remain bent!
After years of successfully helping patients homeopathically, Dr. Rajan Sankaran observed that stress does not arise from external circumstances, but from the individual perception of these circumstances. The truth is that the external reality is not the ‘cause’ of most of the stresses and conflicts that occur in our lives. At some point we do realize that stress is not from the outside of us, but from the way we perceive and react to reality. The way each one perceives and reacts to reality which makes him unique, gives him his individuality.
So then, how does the conflict within an individual arise?
It arises when the external reality differs significantly from the individual’s perception of that reality. When such a disparity between inner and outer reality occurs, there is a threat to unity and harmony. The person experiences duality and conflict. He experiences two inner voices: one voice saying what it actually is; the other perceiving, from his view point, quite differently and so talking with a different voice. It is this inner debate, this conflict within, which creates stress.
We thus see that our underlying stress is, not about ‘what is’ (the external situation) but more about ‘what happens to be’ (our individual way of seeing and experiencing that situation). When our individual perception differs markedly from the actual situation, we are in effect suffering from a delusion. This false way of seeing (delusion) is like wearing life-long colored glasses that we never seem to take off. We view all situations in the same ‘colored way’ and it becomes the routine way of perceiving our self and our world….
Most of us realize that, ultimately, to minimize stress, it doesn’t help to change our outside circumstances, but that we need to perceive where the stress is coming from. There may be the situations, in which you feel stressed, but your experience of stress arises from something much deeper and that experience is unique to you. What is more profound is that this unique experience is also expressed in areas of your life that are not considered stressful; it actually underlies your entire experience of life.
Our behavior and our feelings stem from something much deeper in our beings. They are rooted in a very basic, inexplicable experience unique to each one of us. This experience is not emotional or intellectual; it is a sensation felt in the body and mind simultaneously, one that is constant, one that colors our whole experience of life, shapes our personality and determines our life pattern. This sensation is our constant companion, the other song that keeps singing within us. A song that resonates with something in nature be it an animal, plant or a mineral…..

This approach used in Homoeopathic case-taking and the subsequent remedy analysis is termed as ‘The Sensation Approach’.
The sensation approach becomes a bridge en route “the other song” singing within us.
Understanding the other song to Cure
The process of case-taking, of delving into the deeper realms of an individual, to crossing over from the conscious into the subconscious states, requires persistence and perseverance and the journey may be long and difficult but the outcome is wonderful, both for the patient and the physician. Finding the right remedy is one of the goals of subjecting the patient to the sensation technique, the main goal being freedom from the fixed pattern of response and thus from illness. From the patient’s perspective, the enquiry may sound unusual and that is alright because this might be the first time you are subjected to such an enquiry. A little bit of patience and submission to the healer is all that is required to complete the interview and attain awareness

Modalities Complementing Cure at the clinic
At the other song, we also emphasize on diet, meditation and exercise with medicines as they are equally important in treatment of illness. One can seldom remain healthy after consuming the right medicine but avoiding the healthy way of living. Healthy living involves healthy eating, meditation and exercise. At the other song, we emphasize on the use of natural diet, yoga and meditation as a means to holistically heal the patient and help him/her remain in state of health.
What better way to stay connected than sharing information on an E-platform? Thus with great zeal we hereby launch the “BLOG”! - A segment of our website in the clinic section which will provide a wide assortment of information for the readers. We intend to match the curiosity of doctors, patients and learning enthusiasts using this space by providing information related to a variety of topics which include homoeopathy, holistic healthcare, dietetics, exercise, lifestyle management and various illnesses. Follow the URL
Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.
the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare, 1001, Peninsula Heights, C. D. Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 058, Maharashtra, India
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  1. Rajan Sankaran, MD(Hom), The Other Song – Discovering Your Parallel Self

Vegan is the way to go!!!

Vegan is the way to go!!!!

01/11/15 – WORLD VEGAN DAY


       Do it not because someone is asking you to do it or someone else is doing it. Do it because you have tried it first hand and found it worth continuing. – Anonymous

Who are vegans? Vegans are those who eat no meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products.

       Veganism is becoming popular by the day not just because of its cult status but because of the amplitude of health benefits it brings along for those who follow it.

       Anyone with a rational line of thinking will ask questions such as why should one opt for vegan diet? Is it complete? Does it have all the nutrients in the required quantity that humans need to grow and to sustain good health? Is it visually appealing and tasty?

       To begin with, what remains after all the meat, fish, eggs, poultry and dairy products are removed from the platter?

       The answer is that, there is ample available in the vegetable kingdom that can satisfy our need for nutrition, desire for a good taste and visual appeal.

What does a vegan platter contain?

Fruits – Rich in fiber, vitamin C, and beta carotene.

Vegetables – Packed with nutrients; they provide vitamin C, beta-carotene, riboflavin, iron, calcium, fiber, and other nutrients.

Legumes – Good sources of fiber, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins.
Whole Grains – Rich in fiber and other complex carbohydrates, as well asprotein, B vitamins, and Zinc.
       If we take a close look at the list above, we see that a vegan diet is complete in all aspects. It is capable of providing all types of nutrients essential for human growth and development.

Health benefits of vegan food

       A recent study published in the magazine 'Nutrition', a vegan diet leads to the most weight loss, compared with other dietary patterns. Sixty-three overweight adult study participants were assigned to one of five different dietary patterns for a six-month period: omnivorous, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, and vegan. At the end of the study, the vegan group lost, on average, more than twice the percentage of body weight (7.5 percent), compared with omnivores (3.1 percent), semi-vegetarians (3.2 percent), and pesco-vegetarians (3.2 percent). The lacto-ovo vegetarian group lost an average of 6.3 percentage points. The vegan group also had the greatest reductions in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and greatest increase in dietary fiber intake—all protective against chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

       One of the most important research done by Dr. Neil Barnard on diabetic patients, a low fat vegan diet has helped patients reduce their blood sugar levels to the extent that diabetes is reversed completely and in some cases their medicines were reduced. Similarly, research from Dr. Dean Ornish suggests that ischemic heart disease can be reversed completely. Dr. T Colin Campbell has done the most comprehensive study (‘The China Study’) and is considered the top authority as far as nutrition biochemistry is considered. He has established direct correlation between ‘dairy and animal protein (casein) and the occurrence, growth and control of various cancers. Whole Vegan Diet can not only help prevent various cancers but can also stop the growth and metastasis of cancer. Correct diet modification to whole vegan food can cause reversal/cure/control of various other diseases such as Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes mellitus, Cancers, Hypothyroidism, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cerebrovascular diseases (Stroke), Hypertension (high blood pressure), High cholesterol levels, Multiple Sclerosis, Mood Swings, Depression, Infertility, PCOS, digestive problems like IBS, Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, Allergies and skin diseases, just to name a few.

Can I turn vegan?

       Being vegan is a conscious choice that people make after reading, learning, practicing and then experiencing the benefits of a vegan diet. Yes, you can turn vegan. The mantra is “Variety is the spice of life” and of course a few hours a week in the kitchen. When we increase the variety of foods in our day to day diet, the transit is easy.

       This holds true for vegans as well. Start with your favorite vegan dishes and try to make them in a way that suits your taste. Go through vegan cook books and recipes so that over a period of time you will have enough varieties for your breakfast, lunch and dinner.


       At the other song’s department of holistic health cooking demonstrations are conducted to teach a variety of vegan recipes as per the client’s taste and habits. One such cooking demo will be conducted on 26th November 2015.


1. Turner-McGrievy GM, Davidson CR, Wingard EE, Wilcox S, Frongillo EA. Comparative effectiveness of plant-based diets for weight loss: A randomized controlled trial of five different diets.Nutrition. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2014.09.002.


Suggested reading:

1. Reversing Diabetes – Neil Bernard
2. Reversing Heart Disease- Dr Dean Ornish& Bimal Chchajjar
3. Colin Campbell/Books/The Low-Carb Fraud
4. Colin Campbell/Books/Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition
5. Colin Campbell/Books/The China Study

Suggested Links:

1. Link to the movie ‘Hungry for Change’:

2. Lecture by Dr. T Colin Campbell:                                                               
3. Making Heart Attacks History: Caldwell Esselstyn at TEDxCambridge 2011
4. Tackling diabetes with a bold new dietary approach: Neal Barnard at TEDxFremont
5. Neal Barnard, M.D.: Power Foods for the Brain                                                
6. Uprooting The Leading Causes of Death! Dr Greger!                                         
7. The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont              

Let’s get talking and connect face-to-face.

the other song Clinic – Care Beyond Compare,
1001, Peninsula Heights, C.D.Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane,
Andheri West, Mumbai – 400 058, Maharashtra, India

Contact Details

Inquiry through Whats App and SMS : +91 7738322289                                                                         Write to us on;
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